"The world is made up, for the most part, of fools and knaves, both irreconcilable foes to truth." -- George Villiers
Monday, July 1, 2013
2013 - JUN - Spotlight Stories
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-01 - Two separate underground electrical explosions and fires cause widespread power outages in Davis (California):
Quote: "At around 7:30 p.m. Saturday, firefighters were called to an underground electrical vault in the area of Marina Circle and Lake Boulevard after it exploded and started a fire above the ground."
Quote: "A similar underground vault exploded earlier in the day over two miles away at 520 Alvarado Avenue. Firefighters were able to limit that fire to a few bushes. The fires caused widespread power outages."
Note: There have been many fires and explosions just like this in towns and cities all over, particularly in the last six months. Hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas which will seek out low-lying areas like underground facilities. It's also reactive with copper, especially electrified copper, like that found in underground electrical facilities. This one problem alone may eventually turn the lights out on human civilization. I highly recommend you keep some form of backup lighting handy, at the very least. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-02 - Underground electrical explosion hits coastal Edinburgh (Scotland):
Quote: "It is understood that the explosion occurred inside an electrical box within the underground utility vault."
2013-06-02 - Underground explosion and electrical fire hit University of California in coastal San Diego (California):
Quote: "All power has been restored to UC San Diego Sunday morning after a manhole cover exploded overnight. It happened just after 3:30a.m. in front of the social sciences building..."
Note: Hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas and will seek out low-lying areas like underground facilities, basements, valleys, ditches, canyons, bodies of water, etc. It's also reactive with copper, especially electrified copper, and as a consequence there have been numerous underground electrical fires and explosions around the world, especially in the last few months. Also, the wee hours are when the atmosphere cools and contracts, which will push any hydrogen sulfide or methane floating in the atmosphere above closer to the ground, making explosions, fires and hydrogen sulfide poisoning events more common during those hours.
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-03 - Mysterious 'boom sound' alarms residents in Smyrna (Tennessee):
Note: These mysterious sounds - which sometimes rattle or damage homes - are likely hydrogen sulfide and/or methane plumes in the atmosphere finding an ignition source and detonating. Sometimes a 'flash of light' is seen accompanying the explosion, if anyone is watching and it occurs at night, and the explosion occurs high enough above the ground. This is Earth's unique way of bombing us. Eventually these explosions may be as large as those caused by the detonation of small thermonuclear (fission) weapons, like the blast that devastated Hiroshima, but minus the radiation (unless one takes out a nuclear plant in which case we'll get the radiation too, albeit indirectly). Syrna is right next to J Percy Priest Reservoir, a low-lying area where hydrogen sulfide will tend to accumulate when the wind isn't blowing it onward...
Category: Other Stories Of Interest
2013-06-04 - Three students simultaneously experience seizures, foam at the mouth, at school in El Paso (Texas):
Quote: "Three Riverside High School students found convulsing and foaming at the mouth in a parking lot near campus have been released from the hospital."
Note: An anonymous 911 caller hinted that this could be because the kids were doing 'Spice'. It's highly doubtful that any drug would make three people simultaneously go into convulsions and foam at the mouth like that, unless they were all the same size, took exactly the same dose at exactly the same time, etc, etc. It's SO unlikely that it's simply not plausible. This school is about 1000 feet from the Rio Grande, a low-lying area where a heavier-than-air gas like hydrogen sulfide will accumulate when the wind isn't blowing and from where it will blow when the wind picks up. This school is a bit northeast of the river, which is the direction winds tend to blow. Texas is also on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, with its horrible dead zones, which are surely pluming hydrogen sulfide now. So, I suspect these three kids got hit by a small cloud of neurotoxic hydrogen sulfide that had accumulated at the river and then blew over them. That doesn't mean these kids weren't ALSO doing some Spice. Could be they were. But being on Spice (or anything else) won't make you immune to hydrogen sulfide. These kids may have sustained long-term kidney damage, heart damage, brain damage.
This story somewhat of reminds me of when 22 students suddenly sickened at an outdoor stadium, also in Texas, in Houston, in late 2011:
Quote: "The victims, mainly band members and dancers from Austin High, were reportedly suffering from nausea, vomiting and heart palpitations."
Quote: "A student told myFOXhouston he began to smell something odd when he saw his sister lose consciousness."
Note: These three students who went into convulsions and foamed at the mouth in El Paso probably got hit by a stronger cloud of hydrogen sulfide than the 22 students did in Houston. As time goes on, the oceans will continue belching up more and more hydrogen sulfide, so obviously the clouds will be getting more concentrated and the Houston event was 19 months ago. Eventually there will be lots of people simply dropping dead after one or two breaths, perhaps clawing at their throats or clutching their chests as they die. That's probably why Congress is working on that legislation about respecting peoples' religious beliefs after mass casualty events, as pertains to burial and so on. Probably explains the stories about millions of coffin liners and mass graves too - gonna have to put all the corpses somewhere, else the problem will become even more horrifying for any survivors, if there are any...
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-05 - Underground electrical fire erupts in subway in Moscow (Russia), thousands evacuated, dozens injured:
Quote: "The ministry said nearly 60 people sought medical help and 11 were hospitalized. Most of them suffered from smoke inhalation. Thousands were evacuated."
Note: This is basically the same thing as all the other underground electrical fires and explosions that have been occurring in cities and towns all over, except this time it happened near an area where there were lots of people present. Hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas which will seek out low-lying areas like underground facilities, basements, bodies of water, valleys, ditches, ravines, canyons, etc. It is also reactive with copper, especially electrified copper, like wiring and cables in underground electrical facilities and battery cables and other wiring in vehicles.
NYPD in New York City is going to deploy a harmless gas into the subway system this summer to study gas dispersion patterns, as mentioned in the 2013-04-26 update. This will be the biggest and most expensive study of its kind ever done. This is being done ostensibly in case of a terrorist bioweapon attack, to understand the flow patterns of dangerous gases. And sure, the information they acquire will be useful in that regard if such an event ever happens. But it will ALSO be useful in determining where atmospheric hydrogen sulfide will go, and help address system vulnerabilities in order to try to prevent large numbers of people from dropping dead in the NYC subway system and to help prevent devastating fires and explosions.
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-06 - Underground electrical explosion hits Hartford (Connecticut), 9000 customers lose power, 4 workers injured:
Quote: "Four Connecticut Light & Power workers were injured today, during an explosion in a manhole in Hartford."
Quote: "Initially, about 9,000 customers experienced a brief power outage..."
Note: And yet another underground electrical explosion/fire. Hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas and it will seek out low-lying areas like underground facilities, bodies of water, valleys, canyons, ditches, ravines, gorges, quays, etc. It is also reactive with copper, especially electrified copper, like that found in underground electrical facilities and wiring in cars and homes and businesses.
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-07 - Huge blaze breaks out at pallet yard in Longport (Britain), fire spreads to fireworks factory:
Quote: "Police shut the A500 after a huge blaze in a pallet yard spread to a fireworks factory. The building contained one ton of fireworks and eye witnesses saw them exploding as the blaze ripped through the two buildings."
Note: And yet another massive pallet fire. All flammable absorbent materials are absorbing hydrogen sulfide and/or methane and spontaneously igniting, including wood, cardboard, paper, mulch, dried brush, generic trash, hay, straw, clothing, cotton, wool, etc. Pallets have a couple of extra vulnerabilities beyond this: 1) they're held together with steel nails/screws, and hydrogen sulfide is reactive with rusty iron/steel; and 2) pallets are frequently stored outside where they are fully exposed to any hydrogen sulfide or methane blowing through in the atmosphere. There have been many pallet-related fires in the last year or so and some of them, like this one, have been massive. Also, having a fireworks factory next to a pallet yard is just asking for trouble...
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-08 - Mystery boom heard at 2:45 AM in coastal West Seattle neighborhoods (Washington):
Note: And yet another 'mystery boom'. These are explosions, and they're likely caused by atmospheric hydrogen sulfide and/or methane plumes finding an ignition source and detonating. Eventually these explosions will likely equal the destructive force of small fission (nuclear) explosions like that which destroyed Hiroshima, but minus any radiation. These 'mystery booms' have been growing in frequency over the last year or so and there is no end in sight. The human race will probably be wiped off the surface of the Earth long before these explosions reach their eventual crescendo...
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-09 - Underground electrical fire erupts in coastal Boston's Back Bay area:
Quote: "About 30 more NStar customers across six or seven buildings near the intersection of Beacon Street and Massachusetts Avenue lost power Sunday when flames burst from a manhole at about 8:45 p.m., officials said. Bill Zamparelli, a spokesman for NStar, said the fire was not related to the major outage that hit the Back Bay Sunday morning, even though the fire started in the same network of circuits."
Note: Hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas that will seek out low-lying areas like underground electrical facilities. It is also an extremely flammable gas and it is reactive with copper, especially electrified copper. As a consequence, there have been a large number of underground electrical fires and explosions in cities and towns all over, especially in the last year or so, and most especially in the last three months. This problem can only get worse as time goes on and the oceans and other water bodies around the planet continue pumping hydrogen sulfide into the atmosphere. This will eventually destroy human electrical infrastructure as it currently exists, at least on the surface of the Earth...
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-10 - Underground explosion and fire injures 2 workers in Lake Forest (California), near the coast:
Note: And yet another underground explosion and fire, again involving electricity. Hydrogen sulfide is highly flammable and it is a heavier-than-air gas which will seek out low-lying areas like underground facilities and basements. It's also reactive with copper, especially electrified copper, like that found in underground electrical facilities as well as battery cables in vehicles and wiring in vehicles, homes, businesses and electrical infrastructure. As a consequence, there have been numerous explosions and fires just like this one, in cities and towns all over. In some cases, fire spewing from manholes has ignited cars parked above them...
Category: Unusual Vehicular Accidents
2013-06-11 - School bus suddenly veers across two lanes, slams median, on I-64 in Louisville (Kentucky), 35 injured:
Quote: "The stunning crash was captured by the dashboard camera of a truck driver traveling behind the bus, showing it suddenly swerving across two lanes and laying down black skid marks before hitting the barrier and skidding to a stop. Thick smoke can be seen billowing around it as someone shouts: "We need an ambulance! We need an ambulance!" The same video shows a car traveling east on I-64 spinning out of control and into the barrier just moments after the bus crashes. Kristen Miller, chief of staff for Louisville Metro EMS, said there were reports that a blown tire caused the bus crash. Police are looking into possible mechanical failure as a cause, which could include the tire trouble, Louisville Metro Police spokeswoman Alicia Smiley said."
Quote: "Records show no recent safety issues with the company."
Note: Hydrogen sulfide is being absorbed into tire rubber and brake pads. Then when brakes are applied, an abnormal amount of heat is generated, because hydrogen sulfide burns very hot, and then bad things can happen: tires explode or ignite, brakes burn out or ignite, fluid lines rupture, the entire vehicle goes up in flames, or all of the above. This problem is hitting massive vehicles the hardest - like buses - because they require more brake-friction to slow and also tend to have more tires...
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-12 - Underground electrical fire and explosions blow manholes off in Toledo (Ohio):
Note: Hydrogen sulfide is reactive with copper, especially electrified copper like that found in underground electrical facilities and in vehicles, homes, and businesses. It's also a heavier-than-air gas which will tend to accumulate in low-lying areas like underground facilities, basements, ditches, ravines, gorges, lakes, ponds, seas, valleys, canyons, quays, swimming pools, etc. There have been numerous underground fires and explosions just like this, especially in the last year, and most especially in the last, say, three months. Might wanna keep some solar chargers, rechargeable batteries and LED flashlights handy, so that you can have light at night if the power goes out, without using fire or heat to generate that light...
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-13 - Enormous explosion and fire devastates chemical plant in Geismar (Louisiana), at least 1 killed, 73 injured:
Quote: "A ground-rattling explosion at a chemical plant in Louisiana ignited a blaze that killed at least one person and injured dozens of others. Louisiana's health department says 73 people were treated at hospitals for injuries ranging from minor to critical following the Thursday morning explosion."
Note: From the full hypothesis: "...chemical plants of all types will burn and/or explode, including biofuels plants, fertilizer plants, specialty chemical plants, petroleum-related facilities and more." The huge explosion in West (Texas) in April was at a fertilizer plant, which is simply a type of chemical plant. Geismar is located right on the banks of the Mississippi River...
Category: Other Stories Of Interest
2013-06-14 - Gas to be released into the London Underground to learn about potential spread of poisonous gases:
Quote: "Tests are set to be carried out on the London Underground to see how quickly poisonous gases could spread across the Tube network. The aim is to create a better understanding of how to respond in the event of them being deliberately or accidentally released."
Note: New York City is doing the same thing for the subway system there, the most expensive such study ever performed, as mentioned in the 2013-04-26 update. All cities with subway systems would be wise to perform such studies, because hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas and it will tend to flow to low-lying areas, like underground facilities of all types, including subways. It's also a highly lethal gas, as deadly as hydrogen cyanide, which is what they use in gas chambers to execute people. If your air is 99.9% clean and 0.1% hydrogen sulfide (1 part per thousand), then one or two breaths can kill you, the so-called 'Slaughterhouse Sledgehammer Effect', where you are dead before you hit the ground...
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-15 - Massive fire engulfs building full of pallets and tires at recycling center in Indianapolis (Indiana):
Quote: "A massive business fire that burned for roughly nine hours Saturday has been marked under control. At one point nearly 200 firefighters were at the scene battling the Indianapolis southwest side Saturday afternoon. The fire occurred at a recycling center at 202 S. Belmont Ave."
Quote: "It's estimated that around 85,000 square feet of pallets, 60,000 square feet of tires and 15 propane tanks are inside the building."
Note: There have been numerous pallet-related fires in the last year or so, some downright monstrous. Pallets have a number of vulnerabilities to the atmospheric hydrogen sulfide and methane problem: 1) they're made of wood and all flammable absorbent materials are absorbing hydrogen sulfide and/or methane, including wood, cardboard, paper, mulch, dried brush, generic trash, hay, straw, clothes, cotton, wool, etc; 2) they're held together with steel nails or screws, which rust, and hydrogen sulfide is reactive with rusty iron/steel; 3) they're often stored outside where they are fully exposed to any hydrogen sulfide or methane blowing through. (The latter is not the case with this particular fire, but warehouses are generally not very airtight and often have large bays for loading/unloading trucks.)
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-16 - Underground explosions triple year-over-year from 2011 to 2012 in coastal London (Britain):
Quote: "As if living in London did not carry enough daily peril, residents of the capital now have one more bizarre danger to add to the list – exploding pavements. Figures obtained by the BBC show that underground explosions, such as the one filmed in Pimlico in April this year, tripled between 2011 and 2012. The blasts can be caused by water leaking onto underground cables or gas leaks ignited by underground sparks. There were 29 incidents in 2012 and 12 so far this year. This is a surge from just eight in 2011."
Note: That's more than a 200% increase year-over-year, from 8 in 2011 to 29 in 2012. Hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas which will seek out low-lying areas like subways and underground infrastructure. It is also highly flammable and reactive with rusty iron/steel (pipes) and copper, especially electrified copper (electrical stuff). This same problem is almost certainly the reason that both New York City and London are performing tests to see where poison gas would go once inside their respective subway systems. (London subway gas test mentioned in the 2013-06-14 update. NYC subway gas test mentioned in the 2013-04-26 update.)
Category: Corpses In Low-Lying Areas
2013-06-17 - Two women, 38 and 51, found dead in separate homes in same neighborhood in Bradford (Britain):
Quote: "Both addresses have been searched and the deaths are not being linked at the moment, police said."
Note: Ah, but they WERE linked, by geography, time and the atmosphere. Could be a decent-sized cloud of hydrogen sulfide blew through Bradford and knocked these two women dead. This isn't the first time an incident like this has happened. Two men, both 52, were found dead in separate but adjacent homes in Oklahoma City (Oklahoma) in March, as mentioned in the 2013-03-15 update...
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-18 - Massive fire and multiple explosions rock ammo depot in the Samara Region (Russia):
Quote: "Multiple artillery shells keep exploding at an ammunition depot near the city of Chapaevsk, a local police spokesman told RIA. 'It is still not possible to halt the self-destruction, or to enter the firing grounds,' he added, saying that the shell shards are scattering in such a large area that there is no way the fire brigade could reach and extinguish the fire. According to the Chief Directorate of the Interior Ministry for Samara Region spokesman Sergey Goldstein, there are '13 million shell units' at the ammunition depot, Interfax reports."
Quote: "The Emergencies Ministry said about 30 people had sought medical help and 11 of them were hospitalized, while more than 6,000 people were evacuated from the village of Nagorny. More than 600 emergency workers were trying to put out the fire..."
Note: From the full hypothesis: "Ammo depots will be hit with explosions and fires, including the civilian versions like fireworks factories."
I mentioned these types of facilities specifically because they have all the same vulnerabilities as any business, like the rusty iron/steel problem, the electrified copper problem, the flammable absorbent material problem, but some such facilities also store chemicals reactive with hydrogen sulfide, in particular nitric acid, which is used as a catalyst for rocket fuel, and nitric acid is explosively reactive with gaseous hydrogen sulfide. So a little hydrogen sulfide finds some nitric acid (or rusty iron/steel, or electrified copper) and a fire erupts, and then you ALSO have oodles of explosives around, so once a fire gets going at a place like this, it's apt to spiral out of control very quickly, and the consequences can be horrendous...
Category: Unusual Vehicular Accidents
2013-06-19 - FedEx truck hits cars then slams into home in Columbus (Ohio):
Quote: "Fire crews said that they thought the truck driver may have had a seizure. 'The guy looked at me and then he fell back on the ground and he said ‘Can you get me some towels?’' Stewart said. 'They said the guy’s nose was bleeding and when the police came he started kicking off his shoes.'"
Note: Hydrogen sulfide poisoning can cause disorientation, seizures and bleeding from the nose, mouth, ears. It doesn't always do any of those things but it certainly can. There have been many instances of people having seizures, medical emergencies, medical incidents, medical events, etc, and crashing vehicles all over the place. The stories that get the most news are those where it happens to bus drivers, and there have been quite a number of bus drivers having similar problems and then crashing...
Category: 'Zombie' Files
2013-06-20 - Half-naked man frenziedly masturbates, barks like a dog, watches building burn, at 4:30 AM in Detroit (Michigan):
Quote: "As firefighters battled an enormous blaze at the historic University Club in Detroit this weekend, a wild-eyed man wearing only a black polo shirt emerged from the dark brush and began masturbating and barking like a dog. After frenziedly satisfying himself in front of firefighters and onlookers at 4:30 a.m. Saturday, the lurker crawled on his hands and knees, with his tongue out, and gazed at flames that tore through the three-story Collegiate Gothic building at 1411 E. Jefferson. By the time police arrived, the bearded stranger had disappeared in the brush."
Note: I know this is Detroit and all, but, um, that's pretty freaking crazy there. And they couldn't catch a man crawling around and barking like a dog?!
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-21 - Underground electrical explosions and fire hit coastal Redondo Beach (California):
Quote: "Suddenly, she heard a loud explosion and ran over to the window to find smoke billowing out of a crumbled sidewalk across the street. Thinking it was a bomb, she stepped away from the glass and called 911. Then a second explosion rocked her building. 'It shook my entire house. I thought my windows were going to break,' she said."
Note: Hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas and it will seek out low-lying areas like basements, underground facilities, canyons, valleys, gorges, ditches, ravines, bodies of water of all kinds, etc. It is also reactive with copper, especially electrified copper, like that used in electrical infrastructure as well as wiring in vehicles, homes, businesses. Lots of non-running vehicles have been bursting into flame. It's the same problem as with all these underground electrical fires and explosions. Might wanna keep some LED lights, rechargeable batteries and solar chargers around, just in case you should suddenly lose power for an extended period...
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-22 - Colossal Colorado fire grows to 108 square miles, the Battle for South Fork begins:
Quote: "Officials said fire behavior Thursday was so extreme it was undocumented and unprecedented. The fire made a seven mile run to the northeast crossing the Continental Divide and burning on the ridge above Big Meadows Reservoir down to Metroz Lake."
Quote: "The speed with which the fire has spread is exceptional: It was just below 50 square miles Friday evening."
Quote: "South Fork Mayor Kenneth Brooke estimates that between 1,000 to 1,500 people had to flee, including the summer visitors and permanent residents."
Category: Other Stories Of Interest
2013-06-23 - Plane makes emergency landing in Portland (Oregon) after little girl has seizure:
Quote: "Her father, Stephen Lane, said since the burns, Ireland has suffered from pseudo-seizures that aren't dangerous but can alarm others nearby."
Note: This is the little girl whose clothes burst into flame at Doernbecher Children's Hospital in Portland (Oregon) earlier this year, as mentioned in the 2013-02-18 update. The 'official' explanation was that it was caused by hand sanitizer and olive oil. A doctor who worked there said he'd seen nothing like it in 30 years. I suspected then that some hydrogen sulfide was involved. Maybe her t-shirt was contaminated, or the hand sanitizer itself had absorbed some (it's water-soluble, and hand sanitizer is probably mostly water), something like that. Then some static electricity ignited her clothes and she got burned. Now she is suffering seizures. Hydrogen sulfide is neurotoxic and can cause brain damage, resulting in seizures.
Remember those kids who started suffering Tourette's-LIKE muscle ticks and spasms after playing basketball outside in Le Roy (New York)? Those symptoms are also indicative of neurological damage. That it affected all the girls who were playing outside that day indicates that it was something environmental that caused it but whatever it was had moved on or dissipated by the time anyone looked - in other words, it had to be a gas. Now a 'rotten egg' odor is wafting in off the ocean in Quincy (Massachusetts). That's what hydrogen sulfide smells like in low concentrations.
Clue after clue after clue, what's happening is getting more and more obvious with every passing day now. I still think it will be all the fires and explosions that eventually wake up the sleeping masses though, not the animals or people dropping dead or the land subsidence events, etc.
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-24 - Huge inferno tears through auto salvage yard in coastal New Providence in the Bahamas:
Note: From the full hypothesis: "Metal-related businesses will be hit hard, including salvage yards and metal recycling centers." Auto scrapyards like this are filled with rusty iron/steel and hydrogen sulfide is reactive with rusty iron/steel. We'll be seeing lots of fires like this one...
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-25 - Underground electrical fire and explosions send fireballs and smoke shooting from street in St. Louis (Missouri):
Quote: "Several hundred people were evacuated from the 36-story One US Bank Plaza building after explosions occurred in the street outside just before 5 p.m. No injuries were reported. The blaze sent fireballs and thick black smoke shooting from the street."
Quote: "Authorities say several electrical transformers in the underground vaults exploded near 7th Street and Locust shortly after 5 p.m."
Quote: "Occasional fireballs shot out from a hole in the pavement Tuesday evening as firefighters battled flames that appeared to come from underground."
Note: This area is very close to the Mississippi River, in the heart of downtown St. Louis. There have been many underground electrical fires and explosions in the last year or so, and particularly in the last 3 months or so. Hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas which will seek out low-lying areas like basements, underground infrastructure, rivers, valleys, ditches, gorges, canyons, etc. It is also highly flammable and it is reactive with copper, especially electrified copper like that used in underground electrical vaults as well as wiring in vehicles, homes and businesses...
2013-06-25 - Underground electrical fire erupts in Oakland (Pennsylvania), near the Susquehanna River, power outage ensues:
Note: And here's another underground electrical fire, same day, also near a river just like the event in St. Louis. The number of events just like these two is clearly escalating now, as would be expected with an atmosphere that is being increasingly contaminated with flammable gases...
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-26 - Underground electrical fire erupts in downtown Memphis (Tennessee), flames shoot 20 feet into the air:
Quote: "Memphis police says an underground transformer caught fire, sending flames about two stories high."
Note: Underground explosions and fire just hit downtown St. Louis (Missouri) and an underground electrical fire just hit Oakland (Pennsylvania) too, as mentioned in the 2013-06-25 update. Hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas which will tend to accumulate in low-lying areas like underground electrical facilities, basements, ditches, ravines, valleys, gorges, quays, ponds, lakes, seas, streams, rivers, creeks, etc. Hydrogen sulfide is also reactive with copper, especially electrified copper, like underground electrical cables, transformers, and wiring in vehicles, homes and businesses. Events just like this are escalating rapidly now...
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-27 - Sub-basement electrical fire erupts at high-rise at 2 AM in Cincinnati (Ohio):
Note: Same thing as the underground electrical fire in Memphis (Tennessee) the day prior, as mentioned in the 2013-06-26 update, and the underground explosions and fire in St. Louis (Missouri) and the underground electrical fire in Oakland (Pennsylvania) the day before that, as mentioned in the 2013-06-25 update. Hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas and will seek out low-lying areas like basements and underground facilities, and it is reactive with copper, especially electrified copper like wiring in electrical facilities, vehicles, homes and businesses...
2013-06-27 - Underground electrical fire and explosion blows off manhole in Albany (New York):
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-28 - Fireworks explode inside bunker in Sanborn (North Dakota):
Note: It was fireworks to be used for the 4th of July. Speaking of which, hmmm, increasingly flammable atmosphere combined with lots of people playing around with incendiary stuff. Well, expect the worst and hope for the best, to paraphrase the saying. Also...this is at least the third fireworks-related explosion/fire recently. The biggest recent such event was when a massive explosion and fire tore through a fireworks factory in Montreal (Canada), killing 2 people, mentioned in the 2013-06-20 update. Another fireworks factory burned and exploded a few days ago too, in Billings (Montana), as mentioned in the 2013-06-25 update. That's not including the explosions and fires at ammo depots. From the full hypothesis): "Ammo depots will be hit with explosions and fires, including the civilian versions like fireworks factories."
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-29 - RV bursts into flame at 4 AM while parked at home in East Wenatchee (Washington), fire mostly destroys home too:
Note: Vehicles need not be running to burst into flame now. Hydrogen sulfide is reactive with copper, especially electrified copper, like battery cables and other wiring in vehicles. It's also reactive with rusty iron/steel and any vehicle that isn't absolutely brand new is gonna have some of that. So think of vehicles as randomly self-igniting incendiary devices that will eventually burn what's near them. If there was a package labeled 'Randomly Self-Igniting Incendiary Device', would you open the package, remove the device, and lay it next to your house? Well, that's what vehicles are now...
Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-06-30 - Several dozen cars burst into flame at recycling center in coastal Fort Myers (Florida):
Quote: "A crane was actually brought in to separate the stack of flaming cars to try and put out the fire."
Note: Now there's a phrase you don't hear very often: 'stack of flaming cars'...
Brain Damage,
Foaming At The Mouth,
Hydrogen Sulfide,
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