2014-08-31 - Tungurahua keeps erupting in Ecuador, upper part of volcano experiencing deformation, pyroclastic flows:
2014-08-31 - Sakurajima spits ash two miles into the air in Japan, strong and frequent explosions:
2014-08-31 - Suwanosejima eruptions intensifying on the Tokara Islands (in Japan):
2014-08-31 - Eruption spews lava 50 meters into the air near Bardarbunga (Iceland):
Quote: "A new eruption in Iceland's Bardarbunga volcano system system spewed lava more than 50 metres in the air on Sunday, initially prompting authorities to raise their warning of the risk of ash to aviation from orange to red, which is the highest level on a five-colour scale and indicates an eruption is imminent or underway, with a risk of spewing ash."
2014-08-31 - Two people need CPR at White Lake in White Lake Township (Michigan):
Quote: "Crews said the party, referred to as Mardi Gras, was estimated at about 1,000 people. The calls began around 5 p.m., said officials, with two involving CPR and a third for back pain. Two people were hospitalized."
Note: Just some people having their hearts stop beating near a body of water, no big deal...
2014-08-31 - Toxic algae outbreak hits Willow Creek State Recreation Area near Pierce (Nebraska):
2014-08-30 - Widespread 'gas odor' reported in Chester, Bucks, Delaware and Montgomery counties (Pennsylvania):
Quote: "The utility company had received more than 400 calls from residents reporting the smell as of 4 p.m. Saturday, spokeswoman Jackie Thompson said. Some of the reports originated in Chester and Bucks counties, but the increased call volume has been mainly comprised of reports from residents in Delaware and Montgomery counties, Thompson said. Emergency dispatch centers and fire departments in Delaware and Montgomery counties have also reportedly been inundated with calls reporting a gas odor. Despite the volume of reports, no leaks had been located Saturday evening, Thompson said."
Note: By 'gas odor' they mean the 'rotten egg' odor of mercaptan, which is added so that odorless natural gas has any smell at all. But hydrogen sulfide also smells like 'rotten eggs' at low concentrations, so people will confuse the two smells, and they are. No gas leaks found, so it wasn't natural gas. So this was very likely hydrogen sulfide blowing through this area, a big cloud but low in concentration. Now it will flow to low-lying areas in that area and concentrate, creating much smaller but potentially much more deadly invisible clouds of gas that will then blow on with the wind, adsorbing here and there onto wood and cardboard and trash and tires and whatnot...
2014-08-30 - List of hydrogen sulfide 'caution areas' involving gas and oil wells in Pennsylvania:
2014-08-30 - National Prepareathon Day in the United States is September 30:
Note: Everything is fine...but prepare for catastrophes! Bzzzt, cognitive dissonance alert!
2014-08-30 - Senegal becomes fifth country to be hit by Ebola outbreak:
2014-08-29 - Fissure erupts near Bardarbunga (Iceland):
Quote: "The fissure eruption took place between Dyngjujokull Glacier and the Askja caldera, a statement from the Department of Civil Protection said. The area is part of the Bardabunga system."
2014-08-29 - Toxic blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) outbreak hits J.L. Curran Reservoir in Cranston (Rhode Island):
Quote: "Officials say the recreational advisory will likely remain in effect through the end of the year."
2014-08-29 - Couple, 69 and 61, go out on boat, go missing, near coastal St. Petersburg (Florida):
2014-08-29 - Diver may be missing near coastal Maalaea (Hawaii):
2014-08-29 - Bloodied man found inside government building at 4:30 AM in Salt Lake City (Utah), no memory of how he got there:
2014-08-29 - Massive cloud of locusts descends on Antananarivo (Madagascar):
Quote: "On second look, though, it becomes clear that it's no nimbus cloud but a seemingly endless stream of locusts flying low through the city's already polluted skies."
2014-08-29 - NASA approves rocket to take humans to Mars:
Quote: "It will potentially take humans to the red planet for the first time by the 2030s."
Note: I'm doubtful that any human beings will still be alive by then, but hey, it's the thought that counts!
2014-08-29 - Ebola virus may be mutating:
Quote: "There is evidence the virus is mutating, 'underscoring the need for rapid containment', the team writes in Science. 'The longer the outbreak happens, the more opportunity the virus has to accumulate mutations,' Dr Gire said."
2014-08-29 - Dogs eating corpses of Ebola victims in Liberia:
Quote: "Dogs are digging up the corpses of Ebola victims buried in shallow graves in Liberia and eating them in the street, villagers have claimed. Furious residents of Johnsonville Township, outside capital Monrovia, raised the alarm after packs of wild dogs were spotted digging up corpses from a specially-designated 'Ebola graveyard', dragging them into the open and feeding on their flesh."
Note: Ebola Dog Chow...chow chow chow!
2014-08-29 - Experiment may prove that we're all actually two-dimensional holograms:
2014-08-28 - Volcano Tavurvur unleashes huge belch of ash in coastal Papua New Guinea:
Quote: "A major volcanic eruption in Papua New Guinea this morning could disrupt flights to and from Australia. The Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre in Darwin is monitoring the ash cloud from Tavurcur on PNG’s East Britain Island, which is slowly drifting southwest."
Quote: "Cyndee Feals, also from the Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre in Darwin, said the ash cloud was drifting southeast and had the potential to disrupt air travel. 'The ash was initially blowing to the southwest but has now turned to the southeast and we expect it to clip the edge of Australian airspace later today, but we don’t expect ash over Australia,' she said. Planes may be forced to take alternate routes with the ash forecast to move towards the Solomon Islands and then Vanuatu, she added."
Note: Volcanoes are a bunch of ash holes...
2014-08-28 - Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes off the coast of Greece:
2014-08-28 - Man, 30, sickens on tug boat, chest pains and numbness, near coastal Wilmington (North Carolina), medevac'd off:
2014-08-28 - Mystery illness sickens more than 200 girls in El Carmen de Bolivar (Colombia):
Quote: "Authorities say they still don't know what caused more than 200 girls in El Carmen de Bolivar to come down with symptoms ranging from fainting to numbness in the hands and headaches."
2014-08-28 - Nellis Air Force Base (Nevada) looking to acquire some explosion-proof AC/heater units:
Note: Say, I wouldn't mind one of those myself!
2014-08-27 - Volcano Tungurahua erupts, spews ash five miles into the air, in Ecuador:
2014-08-27 - New volcanic island near Japan is constipated, may explode:
Quote: "Prof. Nogami from Tokyo Inst. of Technology comments it’s storing the energy of lava to cause a potential massive explosion."
2014-08-27 - Three earthquakes, magnitudes 5.6, 5.3 and 5.2, strike near Bardarbunga (Iceland), Askja volcano hit by 4.5 quake:
2014-08-27 - Glacial melt observed near Bardarbunga, indicative of an eruption:
Quote: "Melting in the glacier was revealed when the Coast Guard aircraft TF-SIF flew over Vatnajökull tonight. The Met Office said that this kind of melting has unlikely been caused by anything other than an eruption."
2014-08-27 - 20 million more cubic meters of magma flow out in one day beneath the ice near Bardarbunga:
2014-08-27 - At least 65 aftershocks rattle Napa Valley (California):
2014-08-27 - Temps hit record high in Monterey Bay (California):
Quote: "The cool water is what people are used to in the Monterey Bay but Wednesday, a record temperature was set. The buoy in the Monterey Bay hit 67.5 degrees Wednesday afternoon. That is the warmest since the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration began taking those buoy records in 1987."
2014-08-27 - Deadly brain-eating amoeba detected in the water in St. John the Baptist Parish (Louisiana):
2014-08-27 - 20,000+ gallons of untreated wastewater pours into the San Marcos River in San Marcos (Texas):
2014-08-27 - Smoke-testing of sewers begins in coastal Norfolk (Virginia):
2014-08-26 - Volcano Sabancaya erupts explosively in Peru:
2014-08-26 - Water that smells of 'rotten eggs' plagues residents in Humble (Texas):
Quote: "Something stinks inside the Claytons Corner subdivision in Humble. 'It's kind of disgusting, the smell of it,' said homeowner Lori Brussart. It's the water flowing through the pipes and into the homes. 'Sometimes the smell comes out skunky, smells like rotten eggs sometimes, it's so bad,' said homeowner Robert Orr."
Quote: "The company admits the smell of the water has been different, but say it's safe to drink. Neighbors say if it is, then they should drink it first. 'I don't think they'd drink it at all,' said Orr."
Note: Yeah, 'rotten egg' smell? I don't think I'd be drinking or even touching that water...
2014-08-26 - Possible sewage leak closes 14 beaches in the New Territories districts of Tuen Mun and Tsuen Wan (China):
2014-08-26 - Guatemala suffers severe drought, state of emergency declared in 16 of 22 provinces:
2014-08-26 - Worldwide trash-burning significantly worsens air pollution:
2014-08-26 - Anaconda has 'virgin birth', gives birth to three baby anacondas, at safari park in Worcestershire (Britain):
Quote: "The arrival of three baby anacondas at West Midlands Safari Park is being heralded as a 'miraculous virgin birth' by staff. Reptile handlers at the park believe they are the first snakes of their kind ever to be born in captivity, without any help from a male. The scientific name for the births is parthenogenesis, which is literally Greek for 'virgin birth'."
2014-08-25 - Magnitude 5.7 earthquake strikes at Bardarbunga's caldera in Iceland:
2014-08-25 - Plane pilots spot possible subsurface volcanic eruption in the Pacific Ocean:
Quote: "As of yet, no-one can explain the lights, although the pilots believe they might have flown over an underwater volcano as it erupted. Dutch pilot JPC van Heijst said he and his co-pilot first noticed a flash of light on the horizon, before flying over the deep red glow 20 minutes later, in what he called the ‘creepiest thing’ he had ever experience in his flight career."
Note: Yep, I think that's what it was. More evidence of the accuracy of MISA Theory, which leads to oceanic heating from below, which leads to widespread methane and hydrogen sulfide releases, which kills off most life on Earth. Several volcanic islands have sprung into existence in the last year or two as well. These pilots may have witnessed a new island trying to be born from volcanic fire, though the eruption may or may not ever break the surface this time...
2014-08-25 - Unknown 'hydrocarbon-like' odor hits Pierre Part (Louisiana), near the coast:
Quote: "Assumption OEP is currently investigating reports of a hydrocarbon-like odor in the Pierre Part community. This odor does not seem to be related to the sinkhole (no burp has taken place to produce such an odor)."
2014-08-25 - Man, 65, goes out on boat, goes missing, two empty 'ghost boats' found, on Lake Champlain (Vermont):
Quote: "Police say Webb's dinghy was found Monday morning near Marble Island. Webb's wife contacted the Coast Guard on Sunday morning when her husband failed to show up at church. He had reportedly spent the night aboard his 34-foot sailboat, which was anchored and found unoccupied in Malletts Bay."
Note: So they found his empty sailboat and then they found his empty dinghy too...
2014-08-25 - Two-headed turtle born in Amagon (Arkansas):
2014-08-25 - Another blue lobster caught near Scarborough (Maine):
2014-08-25 - Mysterious unidentified blobby creature washes ashore at Mudjimba Beach (Australia), woman takes it home:
Note: If this thing ends up eating her, absorbing her mass and growing, then devouring most of the town, and eventually it's defeated with refrigerant then I already saw this movie!
2014-08-25 - Monkeys hop on boat in Malaysia, take a trip to Rotterdam (Netherlands):
2014-08-25 - Lightning strike kills police dog in Panama City Beach (Florida):
2014-08-24 - At least 570 new seeps found venting methane along the East Coast (United States):
Quote: "The team behind the new findings studied what is termed the continental margin, the region of the ocean floor that stands between the coast and the deep ocean. In an area between North Carolina and Massachusetts, they have now found at least 570 seeps at varying depths between 50m and 1,700m. Their findings came as a bit of a surprise. 'It is the first time we have seen this level of seepage outside the Arctic that is not associated with features like oil or gas reservoirs or active tectonic margins,' said Prof Adam Skarke from Mississippi State University, who led the study."
Note: It's no surprise to me, seeing as I've been saying this was happening - and that the problem is escalating - for years now. On the plus side, they're 'only' about four years behind now, so I can dimly make them out in my rearview mirror, which is refreshingly new. Maybe they'll even catch up completely BEFORE we're all dead. Not going to hold my breath on that though...
2014-08-24 - 30 people sicken at hotel in Dunmore, Lackawanna County (Pennsylvania), blamed on carbon monoxide:
2014-08-24 - Magnitude 6.0 earthquake, strongest in the area in 25 years, strikes near coastal San Francisco (California):
2014-08-24 - Magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes near-ish to the coast in Peru:
2014-08-23 - Volcano Bardarbunga begins erupting beneath the ice in Iceland:
2014-08-23 - Iceland aviation alert code for Bardarbunga raised to RED, eruption imminent or ongoing:
2014-08-23 - Magnitude 5.3 earthquake strikes near Bardarbunga (Iceland):
2014-08-23 - Britain could freeze for YEARS if Bardarbunga erupts significantly:
2014-08-23 - Mount Slamet erupts, dumps ash on nearby towns, in Central Java (Indonesia):
2014-08-23 - Magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes near the coast near Valparaiso (Chile):
Note: Major coastal earthquakes, volcanoes erupting often near coasts or on islands - MISA Theory keeps on chugging and looking increasingly accurate...
2014-08-23 - 13 children sicken on bus in Shrewsbury, Shropshire (Britain), near the River Severn:
2014-08-23 - Methane releases are exacerbated by earthquakes:
2014-08-23 - Billions of jellyfish-like creatures washing ashore on the Pacific Coast in North America:
Quote: "Their diet consists of only plankton and they regularly travel by the million. Velella velella sightings have become more and more regular since they were seen on a Humboldt beach a little over a month ago. And now over a thousand per meter have been counted along the California shores. They live thousands of feet below the surface so, like many other sea creatures, their influx is believed to be caused by rising water temperatures."
Note: Rising water temps, gigantic and growing landfill in the ocean in the Pacific - the environment is rapidly becoming very hospitable for the ancient anaerobic bacteria and archaea that produce deadly hydrogen sulfide. We should start seeing the Pacific Ocean dying off hard anytime. Oh, it already is, and has been for years...
2014-08-23 - Oceans can act as heatsinks, absorb heat, and take the heat deep underwater:
2014-08-23 - Climate experts forecast apocalyptic weather:
Note: Pretty easy prediction to make there, seeing as we're already getting apocalyptic weather...
2014-08-23 - Hurricane Marie intensifies, becomes Category 5, off the Pacific Coast near Mexico:
Quote: "The storm is expected to maintain strength heading into the new week before gradually weakening around midweek. With its classification as a Category 5 hurricane, Marie is the strongest hurricane over the eastern Pacific since Hurricane Celia in 2010."
2014-08-22 - Dozens of students sicken at elementary school in Highlands Ranch (Colorado):
Quote: "Douglas County School District spokeswoman Paula Hans confirmed that there is some sort of illness at the school with students exhibiting similar symptoms to norovirus. Those symptoms include vomiting and diarrhea."
2014-08-22 - 'Rotten egg' odor irritating people near Gosford Road in Bakersfield (California):
2014-08-22 - 'Coywolves' spreading in the northern United States:
Quote: "The wolf genes allow the coyote to take down bigger prey, while the coyote genes let them adapt to cityscapes and other metropolitan areas."
Note: One-fourth wolf, two-thirds coyote, and the rest of their genetic makeup is domestic dog. Very adaptable and probably better suited to the changing conditions on the planet than any of the parent species. They look beautiful but I wouldn't want to meet a hungry pack...
2014-08-22 - NASA conducts experiments to see how fuels burn in microgravity environments:
2014-08-21 - Two girls, 9 and 12, pulled unconscious from swimming pool at Bayside Resort Hotel in coastal Yarmouth (Massachusetts), resuscitated:
2014-08-21 - Toxic blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) outbreak hits Lake Ontario near Hamilton (Canada):
2014-08-21 - Volcano Ubinas erupts explosively in Peru:
2014-08-21 - Greenland melting, glacial flooding possible:
2014-08-21 - Massive flooding wiping out villages in Bihar (India):
2014-08-21 - Lightning strikes and injures six soldiers at Fort Drum (New York):
2014-08-20 - Hydrogen sulfide emissions from sewage lagoon sickening residents of coastal Lowell Point (Alaska):
Quote: "Ten area residents and business owners of the Lowell Point area, including a few downwind or upwind from the city’s main aerated, passive sewage lagoon, described their symptoms at Monday night’s regular city council meeting: headaches; stinging, swollen, watery eyes; difficulty breathing, coughing and other respiratory ailments; reduced oxygen levels; stomach upset; and even mental confusion—all of which have been mentioned as symptoms of elevated levels of hydrogen sulfide."
Note: That 'mental confusion' is the most disturbing symptom. That's brain damage - hydrogen sulfide is neurotoxic - and that may be permanent damage. That doesn't mean that their brains won't 'rewire' around the damage, but that's more likely to happen with younger people. With older people, they may experience neurological deterioration from which they will never recover...
2014-08-20 - Volcano Bardarbunga (Iceland) quakes once every 2 minutes, eruption possibly imminent, people evacuating:
2014-08-20 - Magnitude 4.8 earthquake strikes near the caldera for Bardarbunga (Iceland):
Note: This volcano has VEI 6 potential. A VEI 6 eruption, on top of all the other volcanoes that have been erupting, could - and very likely would - cause volcanic winter and widespread crop failure and starvation in the northern hemisphere, as well as significant disruption to plane travel. On the plus side, at least the name is pronounceable, unlike Eyjafjallajokull!
2014-08-20 - Ten people sicken and die in the Democratic Republic of the Congo:
Quote: "A professor accompanying the delegation in the presidential plane confirmed that they were en route this morning to find out 'the exact nature of the illness that caused the Boende deaths'. An Equateur resident who asked not to be named said that around 10 people had died, including 4 health care workers, after suffering from fever, diarrhoea and bleeding from the ears and nostrils - all symptoms of the deadly Ebola virus (infection) ..."
Note: Those are all also possible symptoms of acute hydrogen sulfide poisoning too. Numerous people have mysteriously bled out from nose/ears/mouth and died in the last couple of years or so, most of them before there ever was any Ebola outbreak anywhere. Any rivers or streams or lakes near there?
2014-08-20 - Bubonic plague detected in fleas from prairie dogs in Boulder County (Colorado):
2014-08-20 - Toxic blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) outbreak hits the Trinity River (California):
2014-08-20 - Giant venomous jellyfish found off the coast of Australia:
2014-08-20 - Bloody injured stranger found in home in Marlborough (Massachusetts), no memory of how he got injured or got there:
2014-08-20 - Grouper swallows 4-foot shark in one bite:
Note: 'We're gonna need a bigger boat.'
2014-08-19 - Great Pacific Garbage Patch continues growing, now visible from California:
Quote: "An environmental hazard, the patch is growing in the ocean between Hawaii and California. Those who have seen it referred to it as an 'enormous floating landfill.' Captain Charles Moore and his team of scientists from the Algalita Marine Research Institute have been researching the patch for two months. He first discovered it in 1997. They say the garbage has already had an impact on the sealife around it, such as fish with enlarged and discolored livers."
Note: Yeah, a GIGANTIC LANDFILL just upwind from California. What do landfills emit? Hydrogen sulfide. Lots of people mysteriously dying in California in recent years. As the oceans become more 'landfill-like', most life on Earth will die, as has happened in the past. California is downwind of this garbage patch. Actually, the entire planet is downwind of this garbage patch. If a town-sized landfill could force Roxbury (New Jersey) to consider evacuating the town (mentioned in the 2013-06-14 update) then a landfill the size of this one in the Pacific Ocean will ultimately cause the evacuation of the surface of the Earth, either voluntarily by creating survivable habitats and relocating, or involuntarily with people dying, whichever we choose...
2014-08-19 - Persistently high methane levels detected over the Beaufort Sea:
2014-08-19 - Volcano Bardarbunga (Iceland) keeps showing signs of activity, threat level raised to orange:
2014-08-19 - Newly-formed volcanic island grows near Japan, may eventually cause a tsunami:
Quote: "An erupting volcanic island that is expanding off Japan could trigger a tsunami if its freshly-formed lava slopes collapse into the sea, scientists said Tuesday."
2014-08-19 - Lightning strikes kids during football practice in Las Cruces (New Mexico), 6 injured, 1 critically:
Quote: "A 13-year-old boy was critically injured, along with five others, after a lightning strike during football practice at Picacho Middle School around 5 p.m. Tuesday, according to Las Cruces police spokesperson Dan Trujillo. Four other boys and a coach were also injured during the strike, which witnesses said occurred 'suddenly and without warning', according to police."
2014-08-19 - Upside down rainbow spotted in coastal Blackpool (Britain):
2014-08-19 - Snow in the Arctic has thinned by 50 percent:
2014-08-18 - Magnitude 6.1 earthquake strikes near Abdanan (Iran):
2014-08-18 - Low-flying helicopters, part of DoD training, alarm people in Minneapolis and St. Paul (Minnesota):
Quote: "It was part of a training exercise in Minneapolis and St. Paul, police said. They are Department of Defense exercises, according to Minneapolis police. The training is expected to last until mid-week and will be conducted from 8 p.m. until midnight, police said."
Quote: "If you saw low-flying military helicopters in the Twin Cities Monday night, it was just a drill."
Note: Sure, just a drill. It's not like people and animals are dropping dead and stuff is exploding and/or bursting into flame all over the place or anything...
2014-08-18 - Solar energy plant burning birds out of the sky in the Mojave Desert (California):
2014-08-17 - Landfill spews 'rotten egg' stench of hydrogen sulfide at area around Marlborough, Wiltshire (Britain):
Quote: "Now, Robbie Williams’ attempts to sell his country mansion risk taking on a whiff of desperation ... due to stinking fumes from a nearby landfill site. Described as more potent that rotten eggs, the clouds of steam have been plaguing his Wiltshire village with dozens of complaints made to the parish council. And villagers, who fear the stench will affect house prices, say it is at its worst around the singer’s estate."
Note: Five million pounds doesn't seem THAT expensive to live in a mansion next to a noxious poison factory. Wait, yes it does! In fact 'free' sounds too expensive...
2014-08-17 - Man jumps into water and disappears at Lake Mohave near Cottonwood Cove (Nevada):
2014-08-16 - Volcano Bararbunga experiences hundreds of quakes, possible subglacial eruption, in Iceland:
2014-08-16 - Temps hit 32 degrees F in parts of Wisconsin:
Quote: "Land O' Lakes near the Wisconsin-Michigan border dipped to 32 degrees! Tomahawk, WI also dropped to 32 this morning."
Note: With 5 weeks left in summer, temps hitting the freezing point is not remotely normal, even in northern-ish Wisconsin. Another possible sign of volcanic winter? The number of anomalous 'cold events' continues to grow...
2014-08-16 - Action Comics #1 CGC 9.0, the most valuable comic book in the world, up for auction on ebay:
Note: Last I looked, the bidding was at $1.75 million with more than 6 days left. The sky's the limit on this baby!
2014-08-15 - More than 125 workers lose consciousness at 6 different garment factories in Cambodia:
2014-08-15 - Volcano Mayon shows unrest, alert level raised, in the Philippine Islands:
2014-08-15 - Bacteria wiping out olive trees in Italy, olive oil prices set to rise:
2014-08-15 - University to refill Mirror Lake with hydrogen-sulfide-infused well water in Columbus (Ohio):
Quote: "But if it’s a welcome sight on campus, it also could bring an unpleasant odor at first. Much like the spring water that first fed the lake decades ago, the well water contains hydrogen sulfide gas, which typically smells like rotten eggs or sewer gas, officials said."
2014-08-15 - Landfill odors pissing people off in Cannonsburg (Kentucky):
2014-08-14 - Massive amounts of methane now erupting from the East Siberian Sea:
Quote: "A catastrophe of unimaginable proportions is unfolding in the Arctic Ocean. Huge quantities of methane are erupting from the seafloor of the East Siberian Sea and entering the atmosphere over the Arctic Ocean."
Quote: "Methane eruptions from the Arctic Ocean's seafloor helped push up mean global methane levels to readings as high as 1832 ppb on August 12, 2014."
Note: 'Survivable' levels max out at 1750 parts per billion, so we've moved well past that point. It is as I have said all along: what is occurring - both methane and hydrogen sulfide emissions, since the two gases go together - will soon render the surface of the Earth uninhabitable. How any particular person will die is unknowable, but there are many possibilities: poisoning; suffocation; fire; explosion(s); traffic accidents as more people have seizures or lose consciousness or die while driving; starvation as the biosphere dies off; cancer from increasing UV levels and from nuclear plant leaks as nuclear plants are destroyed; disease outbreaks; human-on-human violence as neurological damage permeates the human population and drives people insane; animal attacks as animals go insane or get hungry.
The article talks about the possibility of geoengineering our way out of this extinction event. That won't work, though it might buy us a little more time to work on Plan B options. The problem is too large and the momentum behind the planetary-scale forces in play is far too overpowering for anything puny humanity can muster as a counterforce. Geoengineering probably has some merit as a time-buying tactic, but that is all, and it won't buy us much time.
So, it's Plan B or death. Those are the options. In the meantime, while people sleep on, mired in this distracting Matrix-like existence, the problems will continue to intensify, the body counts will continue growing, and waves of death will continue crashing onto the shores of human existence...
2014-08-14 - 'Gas smell' reported on Island Drive in Brainerd (Minnesota), nothing found:
Note: Despite the street name, there's no island here. This area is located between the Mississippi River, Gilbert Lake and Rice Lake though...
2014-08-14 - Volcano Bagana erupts and spews ash in New Guinea:
2014-08-14 - Dam reservoirs may produce 20 times as much methane during water drawdowns:
2014-08-14 - Half a million gallons of cyanide solution leaks from holding pond at gold mine in Durango (Mexico):
2014-08-13 - HazMat event, sodium hydroxide leaks from tank before 6 AM in coastal Norfolk (Virginia):
Quote: "Units responded at 6:05 a.m. and confirmed that a tank was in fact leaking sodium hydroxide. The tank currently holds approximately 900,000 gallons."
Note: Sodium hydroxide is reactive with hydrogen sulfide, though it just generates some heat and is not explosively reactive, but heat will make fluids and gases expand, which can make tanks leak or rupture...
2014-08-13 - Ebola outbreak intensifies, death toll nears 2000:
2014-08-13 - Record-setting rain pounds Long Island (New York):
Quote: "The Town of Islip, which had never recorded more than 7 inches of rain in a single day, reported almost 13 inches."
2014-08-13 - Worst drought in 84 years hits Sao Paulo (Brazil), water rationing begins:
2014-08-12 - Unknown odor evacuates elementary school in El Paso (Texas):
Note: Gas workers inspected and found no leaks. This was probably hydrogen sulfide in low concentration, which smells like 'rotten eggs', just as does the mercaptan which is added to odorless natural gas so that it has any odor at all. Eventually these clouds of gas will become large enough and concentrated enough to strike all of the occupants of schools or other buildings dead. There have been many similar incidents, especially in the last few years, as the atmospheric contamination has escalated, along with a concurrent rise in fires and explosions worldwide since hydrogen sulfide is not just deadly but also highly reactive and explosively flammable...
2014-08-12 - Boy loses consciousness in swimming pool, almost dies, in Austin (Texas):
2014-08-12 - Boy, 2, loses consciousness and turns purple in hot tub, resuscitated, in Tulsa (Oklahaom):
2014-08-12 - Mount Shindake continues gushing gas and smoke, trees dying, on Kuchinoerabujima Island (Japan):
Quote: "Photos taken by The Asahi Shimbun on Aug. 12 showed a forest withered in ash and discolored by gas below the new crack on the southwestern side of the crater. Cinders were scattered around the side of the mountain, which lies west of the World Heritage site of Yakushima island. The Aug. 3 eruption of Mount Shindake was the first in 34 years. Smoke was also rising from other locations, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency's Fukuoka Regional Headquarters. All of the JMA's seismographs near the crater were destroyed within seconds or minutes of the eruption."
2014-08-12 - Mount Etna erupting, spewing lava, near Sicily (Italy), near the coast:
Quote: "The lava flow's main branch, issued from a fissure vent at the upper eastern rim of the NSEC, is headed to the northeast and has now a length of approx. 2 km."
2014-08-12 - Magnitude 5.1 earthquake shakes Quito (Ecuador), 2 killed, 8 injured:
2014-08-12 - More people getting lightning rods installed at their homes as storms intensify:
2014-08-11 - Man, 60, falls unconscious and goes into a coma on ship near coastal Larnaca on the island of Cyprus:
Quote: "A crew member of the 'Pink Coral' was airlifted to hospital on Aug 11, 2014m after losing consciousness. The 60-year-old Romanian national fell into a coma while the tanker was 15 nautical miles off the coast of Mari. The Cyprus Joint Rescue Coordination Centre Larnaca (JRCC) was alerted by the ship’s captain at 1.55 p.m., and the victim was hoisted by a police helicopter and transported to the Nicosia General Hospital. The rescue operation was completed in just under an hour. The patient's condition has been described as critical."
2014-08-11 - Volcano Sabancaya erupts explosively in Peru:
2014-08-11 - Unprecedented anoxic conditions spreading along the California coast (PDF):
Note: From 2008 but relevant. And who knows how bad things have gotten since then. A Google-funded $60 million research ship was to study the anoxic 'dead zone' off British Columbia, mentioned in the 2013-08-01 update, so 'someone' knows the growing anoxic zones are a serious problem...
2014-08-11 - Toxic blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) outbreak hits St. Albans Bay (Vermont):
2014-08-11 - Mine leaks 40,000 cubic meters of leached copper into the Bacanuchi River (Mexico), river turns orange:
2014-08-11 - Extreme weather becoming increasingly common due to 'blocking patterns':
2014-08-11 - Scientists warn about the dangers of electromagnetic pulses:
Note: Might not matter that much once our electrical infrastructure is destroyed by fires and explosions due to atmospheric contamination by hydrogen sulfide and methane. I bet that'll cost trillions and affect millions too...
2014-08-11 - Distant earthquakes can trigger icequakes in Antarctica:
2014-08-11 - Smoke testing to be performed on sewer system in Lynchburg (Virginia):
Note: A lot of this going on. That's probably to try to prevent massive underground explosions and fires from wiping out large urban areas like what just happened on the island of Taiwan recently, mentioned in the 2014-07-31 update...
2014-08-10 - Massive 4000-square-mile red tide bloom erupts in the Gulf of Mexico near Florida, fish start dying:
Note: And those dead fish are biomatter and the ancient anaerobic archaea and bacteria at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico will feast on all that food and spew more hydrogen sulfide, which will then kill more fish (and people), and so on. Not a good time to be downwind of the Gulf of Mexico in Florida, but then that's not new, as people and animals have been mysteriously dropping dead in Florida for a while now...
2014-08-10 - Magnitude 6.0 earthquake strikes off the coast of Hokkaido (Japan):
2014-08-10 - Two-headed dolphin washes ashore at beach in coastal Izmir (Turkey):
2014-08-10 - Man falls off boat and goes missing in lake in Toledo (Ohio):
2014-08-10 - Man, 23, disappears while swimming in the Missouri River in Omaha (Nebraska):
Quote: "Authorities said that Aung M. Thu was swimming in the river with his family when he swam toward the center of the river and disappeared Sunday evening. When he didn't return to shore, witnesses called 911 and a search began in the water and at Lewis & Clark Landing."
2014-08-10 - News report discusses all the deadly stuff in bodies of water these days:
2014-08-10 - Toxic blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) outbreak hits Lake Erie near Selkirk (Canada):
2014-08-10 - Sudden fierce storm capsizes 80 ships during race off the coast of Ireland, dozens of people thrown into the ocean:
2014-08-09 - Hydrogen sulfide blowing ashore, fish dying, people sickening, in coastal Jurien Bay (Australia):
Quote: "It says the unpleasant hydrogen sulphide gas given off by the rotting seaweed can cause headaches, nausea and mild anxiety. School children no longer have a safe place to learn to swim while cray fisherman are losing income because their catch is being poisoned by the polluted water. Former Jurien Bay skipper Craig White says he and his family moved town because the problem was having too large of an impact on his charter business."
Note: And the day prior, hydrogen sulfide was blowing around in Hawaii and some people evacuated, and the day before that, hydrogen sulfide sickened 70 children in India. The number of incidents involving hydrogen sulfide is clearly on the rise as this extinction event proceeds and the atmospheric contamination intensifies...
2014-08-09 - Water has 'rotten egg' odor at some homes in Umatilla (Florida), water official resigns:
2014-08-09 - Volcano Tungurahua continues erupting in Ecuador:
2014-08-09 - Man, 54, falls off sailboat and goes missing on Lake Michigan near Chicago (Illinois):
2014-08-09 - Typhoon Halong roars across southern Japan, 1.5 million people evacuate:
2014-08-09 - As human population rises along coasts in China, the oceanic environment dies:
Note: And as the oceanic environment dies, the human population along coasts in China will go down! Mother Nature's got her own balancing mechanisms, frequently of the fatal variety...
2014-08-09 - Radioactive radium found in the water supply in Bordentown (New Jersey):
2014-08-08 - Hydrogen sulfide leaks uncontrolled from geothermal plant in coastal Puna (Hawaii):
Quote: "After an uncontrolled release of hydrogen sulfide prompted sent plant operators and emergency crews scrambling to contain the unplanned emissions, residents of Leilani Estates, Pohoiki, and Lani Puna were advised to stay indoors to avoid exposure. Hydrogen sulfide is described a colorless gas with the characteristic foul odor of rotten eggs; it is heavier than air, very poisonous, corrosive, flammable, and explosive, according to Wikipedia. Hawaii County Civil Defense officials recommended that any residents experiencing discomfort should evacuate the area."
Note: Did the gas really come from the plant, or did it just blow in off the ocean? We'll never know for sure. It doesn't really matter all that much - if you've got deadly and explosively flammable poison gas blowing around, that's what matters. At least 70 children were hospitalized because of hydrogen sulfide poisoning the day before in Kollam (India), mentioned in the 2014-08-07 update. That incident was blamed on a leak from a metal factory, which isn't a terribly believable excuse either...
2014-08-08 - New York experiences coldest summer in a decade:
Note: Another 'cold' event. They're starting to pile up...
2014-08-08 - Dangerous cyanobacteria blooms increasingly affecting water bodies around the world:
Note: It was a cyanobacteria bloom that recently poisoned the water supply in and around Toledo (Ohio), mentioned in the 2014-08-02 update...
2014-08-08 - Toxic blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) outbreak hits the North Santiam River near Salem (Oregon):
2014-08-08 - Toxic blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) outbreak hits Little Lake Panache near Sudbury (Canada):
2014-08-08 - Fungus afflicting rising numbers of people in the US Southwest:
Quote: "Valley fever has perplexed doctors and patients alike for more than a century. Symptoms range from mild fatigue to incapacitating, flesh-eating infections, and despite decades of research, advances in treatment and pushes to develop a vaccine have been painfully slow. There's virtually no way to guard against inhaling the spores that cause valley fever, as most masks can't filter out the microscopic dust particles that carry the spores through the air and into the lungs."
Quote: "For reasons still unclear, rates of valley fever are rising nationwide. Between 1998 and 2011, documented cases across the country increased steadily by about 15 percent annually, from just 2,000 infections in 1998 to more than 22,000 in 2011. In areas where the fungus is widespread, like Kern County, it's statistically more probable to develop valley fever than hepatitis or chickenpox."
2014-08-08 - Rare giant jellyfish seen in the Adriatic Sea for first time in 70 years:
2014-08-08 - Two new species of venomous jellyfish discovered off the coast of Australia:
2014-08-08 - Tropical storm Julio emitted gamma rays - 'dark lightning' - near Hawaii:
Quote: "On Monday (Aug. 4) at 4:19 a.m. EDT (0819 GMT), when Julio was still a fledgling tropical storm hundreds of miles off the coast of Mexico, Fermi witnessed what's known as a terrestrial gamma-ray flash (TGF) above the clouds, according to NASA."
2014-08-08 - Fire-resistant clothing now required for oilfield workers in North Dakota:
2014-08-08 - Learn effective strategies for telling people to STFU:
2014-08-07 - At least 70 students hospitalized by hydrogen sulfide poisoning in Kollam (India):
Quote: "At least 70 students were hospitalised after alleged gas leak at the KMML (Kerala Minerals and Metals Limited) factory in Kollam Thursday. Around 70 students from the nearby school and colleges of the factory were admitted in the hospital. Around twenty students from the Chavara Government Girls Higher Secondary School and 30 students from the government college were admitted to the hospital. Two other students from the Kamankulangara school were also admitted. On Wednesday, many residents including 60 students were admitted to the hospital after Hydrogen Sulphide leaked from the factory. The plant has been closed pending further investigation."
Note: I am highly skeptical about this story. Hydrogen sulfide in a metal factory? If it were a septic or sewer facility, maybe. If it were a petroleum facility, that'd be believable, since hydrogen sulfide is what makes gas 'sour' and it is extracted. But I don't know what use hydrogen sulfide would be to a METAL business. I suspect this was a cloud of gas that blew through in the atmosphere and they just decided to blame the nearest factory so they'd have something other than the truth to sell people...
2014-08-07 - Man, 51, sickens with chest pains on cruise ship near coastal Key West (Florida), medevac'd off:
2014-08-07 - Volcano Stromboli opens a new vent, spews some lava, near the coast in Italy:
Quote: "Different from the overflows during July and yesterday evening, this time, the northern side of the NE crater was affected. First, it seems that a significant collapse occurred, accompanying the opening of a new effusive located at the northern base or flank of the NE crater."
2014-08-07 - Volcano Herðubreið starts making strange rumbling sounds in Iceland:
Quote: "Strange rumblings coming from the tuya Herðubreið are confounding observers as to their possible source. Vísir reports that visitors to the mesa-shaped volcano in northeast Iceland have been unable to determine if the persistent rumblings coming from Herðubreið are being caused by an avalanche, landslide, or something else entirely..."
2014-08-07 - TEPCO says that Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown worse than originally thought:
Note: I think pretty much anybody who still has a pulse came to that conclusion long ago...
2014-08-07 - Golfball-sized hail pounds the Calgary area (Canada):
2014-08-07 - Ebola advances in wildfire-like pattern:
2014-08-07 - Fishermen haul up missing plane and corpse near New Zealand:
Quote: "His ex-wife noted some similarities to the disappearance 17 days earlier of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, with 239 passengers on board. That plane has not been found."
2014-08-07 - Magnitude 4.5 earthquake rattles Hawaii hours before two hurricanes due to hit:
2014-08-07 - Firefighters train for plane crashes at airport in Eau Claire (Wisconsin):
2014-08-06 - Past mass extinctions may have been caused by abrupt release of methane and hydrogen sulfide from the oceans:
Quote: "Focusing on the Permian-Triassic boundary, ca. 251 Ma, I explore the possibility that mass extinction can be caused by an extremely fast, explosive release of dissolved methane (and other dissolved gases such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide) that accumulated in the oceanic water masses prone to stagnation and anoxia (e.g., in silled basins)."
Quote: "Terrestrial extinctions are caused by explosions and conflagrations that follow the the massive release of methane (the air-methane mixture is explosive at methane concentrations between 5% and 15%) and by the eruption-triggered floods."
Quote: "The consequences of a methane-driven oceanic eruption for marine and terrestrial life are likely to be catastrophic. Figuratively speaking, the erupting region 'boils over,' ejecting a large amount of methane and other gases (e.g., CO2, H2S) into the atmosphere, and flooding large areas of land. Whereas pure methane is lighter than air, methane loaded with water droplets is much heavier, and thus spreads over the land, mixing with air in the process (and losing water as rain). The air-methane mixture is explosive at methane concentrations between 5% and 15%; as such mixtures form in different locations near the ground and are ignited by lightning, explosions and conflagrations destroy most of the terrestrial life, and also produce great amounts of smoke and of carbon dioxide. Firestorms carry smoke and dust into the upper atmosphere, where they may remain for several years (Turco et al., 1991); the resulting darkness and global cooling may provide an additional kill mechanism."
Note: Have you noticed a lot of methane escaping from the oceans recently? Have you noticed a lot of fires and explosions recently? Have you seen all the stories about 'boom sounds' with 'flashes of light' in the skies? It does indeed look like it is the release of methane and hydrogen sulfide from the oceans that causes major extinction events, and it is also becoming more obvious with each passing day that THIS IS HAPPENING NOW. I think the author here is focused too much on methane alone, and doesn't see the threat posed by the concurrent hydrogen sulfide emissions - hydrogen sulfide is far more volatile than methane, it will serve as an igniter in the presence of rust or electrified copper, and it is MUCH deadlier in terms of toxicity - but close enough.
It is very likely that the conflagrations and explosions that will result from this extinction event are the primary reasons for the construction of the Deep Underground Military Bases. Living on the surface of the Earth will not be possible so governments are preparing so that at least some people might survive. Those of us on the surface of the Earth will need to weather 1700-degree fires, massive explosions, poisoned air, poisoned water, deadly levels of UV radiation, a completely destabilized climate, and lack of food. Dunno about you, but my bugout bag contains nothing which would allow me to survive such things...
2014-08-06 - Magnitude 6.1 earthquake strikes in the ocean near the Barat Daya Islands (Indonesia):
2014-08-06 - Passenger, man, has seizures on passenger plane, plane lands at JFK in coastal Queens (New York), not Ebola:
Quote: "A man flying from [coastal] Abu Dhabi suffered from seizures and was thought to have the viral disease. The CDC confimed the man was not infected."
2014-08-06 - Man, 24, goes out on boat, goes missing, empty 'ghost boat' found, near coastal Key West (Florida):
Quote: "A good Samaritan told Coast Guard crews Cullen’s 28-foot vessel was unmanned and adrift."
2014-08-06 - Around 70 tourists sicken at resort on the two different Spanish islands (Spain):
Quote: "At least 50 fell ill at Club Mac Alcudia, on the Balearic island of Mallorca, and 20 at Stil Victoria Playa, on the neighbouring island of Menorca."
2014-08-06 - Death Valley breaks low maximum temperature record, 30 degrees below normal, in California:
Quote: "The high temperature in Death Valley reached 89 degrees yesterday August 3. This broke the previous record of 104 degrees set in 1945. This was also only the 7th time since 1911 that high temperatures in August remained in the 80s."
Note: That's the record for August 3 and it didn't just squeak by into a new record, it totally shattered the previous record by a full 15 degrees. Another anomalous 'cold' event...
2014-08-06 - July video summary of our changing Earth from Signs of The Times:
2014-08-06 - New Mexico sends firefighters to help fight fires raging in nearby states:
2014-08-06 - Fishermen catch THREE rare opah fish, more of a tropical fish normally, in one day off the coast of California:
Quote: "Opah also aren't known to stray often into southern California waters, preferring warmer waters in tropical and sub-tropical seas."
Note: Wow, those are some big-ass fish, check the pics out! In six months one of those guys will ask his wife what's for dinner and she'll roll her eyes, and he'll grumble, 'Not freakin' OPAH FISH again!'
2014-08-05 - Lake mysteriously bubbles and stinks in the Altai Mountains (Russia):
Quote: "The voices are talking about it being unsafe to smoke around the lake, raising the possibility that the disturbance is from a release of methane. However, they also say that 'it stinks', and methane is odorless if not mixed with other gasses. Moreover, the video is over a year old, and the so called Blue of Geyser Lake has been known to locals for a lot longer than that. The location is in the Altai mountains near the border between Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia, far from the Arctic craters. Whatever gasses are stirring up the lake have been doing so for some time, with the circles at the bottom known to shift their locations and shape in response. Gas releases may also be the reason the lake is reported to not freeze in winter."
Note: If it stinks then that's not methane, or at least it's not JUST methane. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are both odorless too. And since hydrogen sulfide is produced at the bottom of bodies of water, along with methane, that's what this has to be. It's probably not a good idea to be hanging around near any body of water that starts bubbling and stinking like this one...
2014-08-05 - Volcano Fuego erupts for first time in two years in Guatemala:
2014-08-05 - Magnitude 5.3 earthquake rattles Johannesburg (South Africa) and surrounding areas:
2014-08-05 - Passenger has medical emergency on one cruise ship, another ship has engine failure, near coastal Seattle (Washington):
Quote: "Two cruise ships bound for Alaska returned to Seattle after separate incidents forced them to turn around within four minutes of each other today, according to the U.S. Coast Guard. The Norwegian Pearl was near Kingston at 4:45 p.m. when it headed back to port due to a passenger’s medical emergency, Coast Guard Petty Office 3rd Class Katelyn Shearer said. The 2,394 passenger cruise ship is now back en route to Juneau, according to the Norwegian Cruise Line website. Four minutes after the Norwegian Pearl turned around, the Grand Princess had engine failure near West Point in Magnolia and was towed back to Pier 91, Shearer said."
2014-08-05 - 1.3 billion gallons of contaminated slurry spills into the Hazeltine Creek in British Columbia (Canada):
Quote: "Hundreds of people in British Columbia can’t use their water after more than a billion gallons of mining waste spilled into rivers and creeks in the province’s Cariboo region. A breach in a tailings pond from the open-pit Mount Polley copper and gold mine sent five million cubic meters (1.3 billion gallons) of slurry gushing into Hazeltine Creek in B.C. That’s the equivalent of 2,000 Olympic swimming pools of waste, the CBC reports."
2014-08-05 - In rare event, TWO cyclones take aim at Hawaii:
2014-08-05 - Robotic suits give dock workers super strength in South Korea:
Note: I immediately pictured the suit that Ripley used to fight the queen alien in the movie Aliens...
2014-08-04 - Warming waters threaten massive methane release in the Arctic:
2014-08-04 - Large amounts of methane found in the craters of the recently explosively-formed sinkholes in Siberia (Russia):
Quote: "Russian scientists sent to the site are now providing first-hand data showing that unusually high concentrations of methane of up to 9.6 percent were present at the bottom of the first large crater shortly after it was discovered on July 16. Andrei Plekhanov, an archaeologist at the Scientific Centre of Arctic Studies in Salekhard, Russia, who led an expedition to the crater, told The Journal Nature that air normally contains just 0.000179 percent methane."
Note: So not only is methane bubbling up from methane clathrates in the oceans around the world, now it is simply exploding out of the ground too. Welp, this definitely looks like the end, but let's stay for the credits!
2014-08-04 - Man, 55, has seizure on fishing boat in Chesapeake Bay near coastal Portsmouth (Virginia), medevac'd off:
2014-08-04 - Skipper and crew sicken on ship, medevac'd off, in coastal Breskens (Netherlands):
Quote: "The skipper and crew of the lifeboat Zeemanshoop from Breskens were this morning called for a medical evacuation."
2014-08-04 - At least 100 British tourists sicken at beachside resort in coastal Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt):
2014-08-04 - Helicopter sprays something on boaters along the Santiam River near Salem (Oregon):
Quote: "'If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it,' Armstrong said, referring to what she described as a helicopter spraying something above dozens of river recreationists sometime around 4 p.m. Armstrong said her party put in at Green's Bridge and was floating toward Jefferson when the incident occurred. 'I was very upset," she said. "About half way down (the river trip) a helicopter flew directly overhead and sprayed something. It then circled and flew off. It was really weird as there was a lot of people floating that day with kids. I wanted to get to the bottom of it.' She's not alone."
Note: So, let's say some hydrogen sulfide accumulates along a river, which, being a heavier-than-air gas, is happening. And let's say 'they' - the authorities - know it's there, and they don't want to have a bunch of people suddenly sickening and dying, because that might alarm people. What are the options? Well, one option would be to spray something that reacts away the hydrogen sulfide...
2014-08-04 - Coldest August morning in 126 years hits Adelaide (Australia):
Quote: "Adelaide has woken to its coldest start to an August day in 126 years and it was colder across other parts of South Australia. At 6:30am (ACST) the temperature was down to 0.9 degrees Celsius. The weather bureau said it was the coldest August morning since 1888. It was also the coldest day Adelaide has experienced in any month in six years."
Note: Hmm, another sign of escalating volcanic winter? Could be. It won't go from 'normal' to heavy volcanic winter overnight. If volcanic winter is in the cards - and given the rising volcanic activity around the world it very well could be - then it will show itself progressively, with increasing numbers of 'cold' events like this one. There have been a fair number of other anomalous 'cold' events in the last year or two as well...
2014-08-04 - Ebola makes it to Morocco via passenger from Liberia:
2014-08-04 - Two squirrels test positive for plague at Palomar Mountain in San Diego County (California):
2014-08-04 - Bass becoming hermaphrodites in 3 Pennsylvania rivers due to water contamination:
Quote: "New study shows male smallmouth bass and white sucker fish in 3 Pennsylvania rivers have eggs in their testes. This means the male fish are intersex or have two genders.'
2014-08-04 - Arctic thermokarst lakes may be absorbers of greenhouse gases over long periods of time:
Note: Hey, not ALL news is bad!
2014-08-04 - Passenger planes may be able to be hijacked via on-board WiFi:
Quote: "A cybersecurity consultant by the name of Ruben Santamarta says that airplanes can be hacked through on-board Wi-Fi Internet service and in-flight entertainment systems, Reuters reports. Santamarta works for IOActive, an Internet security firm. Santamarta claims that his method could allow a hacker to infiltrate a plane’s avionics systems. This would give the perpetrator the chance to disrupt navigation, communication, and security systems as well."
2014-08-04 - Scientists suggest that drought and decreasing water table may exacerbate earthquakes in California:
2014-08-03 - Kuchinoerabujima erupts after several decades of silence, in coastal Kagoshima Prefecture (Japan:
Quote: "It consisted of a single powerful explosion from the Shin-Dake crater. An ash plume rose to approx 1.5 km height, and a pyroclastic flow was generated. The eruption lasted about 10 minutes and much of the erupted mass collapsed into an impressive pyroclastic flow (hot avalanche of fragmented lava and gasses). There are no reports of victims or damage. Japanese volcanologists raised the alert level to 3 and closed access to the summit area. The volcano had last had erupted in 1980, 1976, 1974 and 1973."
2014-08-03 - Tungurahua erupts some more, dumps more ash on nearby communities, in Ecuador:
2014-08-03 - Magnitude 6.1 earthquake strikes in Yunnan Province (China), buildings collapse, 360+ killed, 1800+ injured:
Quote: "Many people rushed out of buildings onto the street after the quake hit, electricity supplies were cut and at least one school collapsed, Xinhua added. The government is sending 2,000 tents, 3,000 folding beds, 3,000 quilts and 3,000 coats to the disaster zone, the report said."
Quote: "At least 367 people have been killed and 1,881 others injured after a 6.5-magnitude earthquake rattled southwest China's Yunnan Province Sunday afternoon, rescuers said."
2014-08-03 - Two earthquakes, magnitudes 6.9 and 6.1, strike in the ocean near the Federated States of Micronesia:
2014-08-03 - Flash flood hits Molinetto della Croda (Italy), cars swept away, 4 killed, 20 injured:
Quote: "A furious torrent carried off cars, kiosks and villagers, who were celebrating the traditional 'Feast Of The Omens' in Molinetto della Croda, near Venice."
Note: They were looking for omens? Tada!
2014-08-03 - Tropical Storm Bertha lashes islands in the Caribbean then strengthens as it moves on:
2014-08-03 - Man, 27, disappears while walking along the Genesee River in Rochester (New York):
2014-08-02 - HazMat event, toxins from algae bloom contaminate water for 400k people in Toledo (Ohio) and surrounding areas:
Quote: "About 400,000 Ohioans were told not to drink their tap water after dangerous toxins seeped into Toledo's water. Scientists found the harmful organisms in Toledo's Collins Park water-treatment plant early Saturday. Consuming the water can lead to nausea, fever and skin irritation, officials said. Boiling the water will only make the toxins worse. The order applies to the whole city and anyone in the surrounding area who gets their water from the Toledo plant - the facility processes water for about 400,000 people in a 100-square-mile area of Ohio. The city of Toledo posted the warning on its Facebook page around 2 a.m. By 8 a.m., most of the city's grocery stores were out of bottled water, the Toledo Blade reported. Cops had to respond to some stores when the large crowds demanding bottled water got disorderly."
Note: There has been a rising number of toxic blue-green algae outbreaks hitting bodies of water all around the world in the last couple of years or so. The biosphere - the environment - is obviously changing in ways that are beneficial to these species of algae. I was wondering when toxic blue-green algae would affect a large municipal water supply like this, and here we go. Massive societal disturbance here, people buying up all the bottled water off store shelves, price-gouging, people fighting each other in parking lots, etc. I saw one anecdote that said people were trying to sell ONE bottle of water (size not specified) for TWENTY-FIVE BUCKS! Two gallons of water per day per person - I'd recommend stashing enough for at least a week or two, wherever you are, if you haven't already, just in case this same problem should hit your own area. That way if something goes terribly wrong then you won't have to be in those parking lots or looking at bare shelves with a sad frown. Like most anything, it's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it...
2014-08-02 - Scientist says if even small fraction of Arctic methane blows then 'we're fucked':
Quote: "'Even if a small fraction of the Arctic carbon were released to the atmosphere, we're fucked,' he told me. What alarmed him was that 'the methane bubbles were reaching the surface. That was something new in my survey of methane bubbles,' he said."
Note: Speak the language of the common folk and people understand. Start throwing around a bunch of science jargon and peoples' eyes roll back in their heads as they nod off...
2014-08-02 - Ebola-infected person arrives at Emory University Hospital for treatment/study, in Atlanta (Georgia):
2014-08-02 - Magnitude 6.6 earthquake strikes in the ocean off Papua New Guinea:
Quote: "A magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck off the coast of Manus Island in Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey reported."
2014-08-02 - Large oceanic swells - one as high as 29 feet - detected in the Arctic:
Quote: "During one particularly strong storm in September 2012, they recorded waves 16 feet high, on average. The biggest single wave in the Beaufort Sea reached a height of about 29 feet..."
2014-08-01 - Nauseating stench blows through Oxford (Britain), near the River Thames:
Note: If it's not from sewage then this is very likely due to clouds of low-concentration hydrogen sulfide blowing in off the ocean or off the River Thames or coming from the ground. Numerous cities have been hit with a similar stench in recent times. Hydrogen sulfide smells like 'rotten eggs' at low concentrations. At medium concentrations it may smell flowery or sickly sweet or licoricey, but your olfactory sense will get 'fatigued' and you'll quickly lose the ability to smell it at all, so you can't safely count on a lack of odor as being a sure sign that there's also a lack of hydrogen sulfide in the air.
Because it is a heavier-than-air gas, even low concentrations of hydrogen sulfide blowing through can be a serious problem, because it will settle into low-lying areas (bodies of water, basements, underground tunnels, sewers, etc) and then it will concentrate. Then when the wind picks up, a smaller but more concentrated cloud may blow onward and if it's 1:1000 concentration it can kill you with one breath. It's as if little ditches and depressions of all kinds are becoming guns of a sort that reload when the wind dies down and fire their accumulated load when the wind picks up. Along the way, wherever it lands, it may adsorb onto materials - cling to the surfaces of matter - and that residual hydrogen sulfide can poison you by touch, and you won't see it either way. You may not smell it at all when it is adsorbed onto materials either, nor will you smell it if it dissolves into water, and it IS water-soluble AND it tends to end up in all the same places that water does because it's a heavier-than-air gas.
Eventually hydrogen sulfide will contaminate the entire environment and lifespans for just about everything will plummet. Once average lifespan drops below 20-ish years for human beings then the human race will be essentially extinct even if a few survivors live on for a bit longer. All other species that use oxygen, and that includes plants, will suffer along with us - but some species can reproduce fast enough to compensate for the accelerated dying. Slow-reproducing life won't really have a chance, including all primates, elephants, whales, dolphins, tigers, rhinos, etc. Because the primary sources of the hydrogen sulfide are the oceans, seas and lakes, the life in them will die off the hardest, exactly as has happened in previous extinction events. It's already that way, with all the dying fish, starfish, whales, oysters and so on all around the planet. Birds are also highly vulnerable to gases because of their light weight and rapid respiration, which is why canaries were used in coal mines as an alert system for dangerous gases in the air.
Global warming, however real, is a mere distraction from this problem. It doesn't matter what the temperatures are or how they got there to people who've been poisoned or incinerated by methane and hydrogen sulfide. Likewise, all these conflicts around the world are simply insane. Israel and Palestine are fighting over land that will probably not be inhabitable by ANYBODY. Ukraine and Russia, North and South Korea, China and Japan, same thing. This extinction event will kill most or all of us all by itself - we don't really HAVE to help it along by killing ourselves too.
A world without truth becomes a world without reason.
2014-08-01 - New York City (New York) stages massive surprise drill to train to deliver medicines during a catastrophe:
Quote: "The New York City Department of Health conducted a massive emergency preparedness drill at 30 facilities across the city on Friday. They tested the delivery of emergency medications in the event of a biological attack, such as anthrax, or other large-scale public health emergency in the city. The majority of the deliveries will take place to public school buildings. It's the largest surprise drill in the city's history."
Note: Coming on the heels of the gigantic explosions that devastated the city of Kaohsiung (Taiwan) and concurrent with the spread of Ebola, this is somewhat ominous, although I'm not knocking any kind of drilling or training in preparation for possible catastrophe(s)...
2014-08-01 - United States has 20 quarantine stations ready across the United States in case of infectious disease outbreak:
2014-08-01 - World Health Organization warns of catastrophic consequences if Ebola outbreak not contained:
2014-08-01 - Sierra Leone declares emergency in the fight against Ebola:
2014-08-01 - Deadly almost untreatable antibiotic-resistant bacteria spreading in the US southeast:
2014-08-01 - Lake, possibly radioactive, mysteriously and suddenly appears in drought-stricken region of Tunisia:
Quote: "A lake that mysteriously appeared in a drought-stricken region of Tunisia last month is being hailed as a miracle by locals but may in fact be radioactive. Local shepherds discovered the large body of water along the Om Larayes Rd, about 25km from the southern Tunisian city of Gafsa, about three weeks ago, FRANCE24 reports. Since then, hundreds of people have flocked to the oasis-like formation dubbed 'Lac de Gafsa' or Gafsa Beach."
2014-08-01 - Mysterious large feline creature spotted in neighborhood in Norwalk (California):
Quote: "Upon reviewing the original footage from the camera system and measuring the unidentified creature against objects pictured in the footage, the animal was not believed to be more than two feet tall."
Note: Two feet tall is not tiny! Not a mountain lion, too small, but it's way bigger than a cat. This could be a genetic chimera, and if so, it's obviously mostly feline...

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