2014-08-31 - Large number of sea animals dying on the California coast:
2014-08-31 - Thousands of fish dying in Lewiston Lake (California):
2014-08-31 - Fish washing ashore dead on the Neuse River near coastal Flanner Beach (North Carolina):
2014-08-30 - Fish dying in the Indian River Lagoon from Titusville to Grant-Valkaria (Florida):
2014-08-30 - Mass die-off of cockles alarms people in Galicia (Spain):
2014-08-29 - Eleven horses die in Saratoga Springs (New York):
Quote: "According to statistics kept by the New York State Gaming Commission, there have been two racing fatalities, three training fatalities, two cervical fractures, one lumbar spinal injury and three instances of sudden death at the 2014 Saratoga meeting."
Note: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome is spreading to horses! Actually, it's spreading to all life that breathes oxygen...
2014-08-29 - Large fish kill hits lagoon for the fourth time this year in coastal Jalisco (Mexico):
Quote: "On January 6, June 26 and August 14 similar contingencies that killed thousands of fish in the lagoon were presented."
2014-08-28 - Two fish kills in a month hit the Salt Fork River near Ponca City (Oklahoma):
2014-08-28 - Hundreds of fish washing ashore dead in coastal Mullion Harbour on the Lizard Peninsula (Britain):
2014-08-27 - Pygmy sperm whale washes ashore sick, euthanized, at Avalon State Park near Ft. Pierce (Florida):
2014-08-26 - Fish dying, trying to beach themselves, in Mill River in coastal New Haven (Connecticut):
Quote: "The Mill River near the Humphrey Street bridge has offered a disturbing view over the last days. Hundreds of silver-colored fish either float belly up on the river’s surface or flail wildly in the shallow water near its banks. Some even appear as though they are trying to beach themselves."
2014-08-26 - Massive fish kill hits lake in Dalworthington Gardens (Texas):
2014-08-26 - Thousands of fish washing ashore dead in coastal Dammam (Saudi Arabia):
2014-08-25 - 1800 penguins have washed ashore dead this year on beaches near coastal Imbe (Brazil):
Quote: "According to Ceclimar, in 2012, 1.2 thousand penguins were found dead. In 2013, the number rose to 1.7 thousand and, since the beginning of this year, have already been located 1.8 thousand."
Note: So 1200 died in 2012, then 1700 died in 2013, and now 1800 have died this year SO FAR. Penguin mortality is clearly escalating there. Like humans, penguins are not at all likely to survive this atmospheric extinction event...
2014-08-25 - Massive fish kill hits reservoir in Toa Alta (Puerto Rico):
2014-08-25 - Thousands of fish found dead in the Rio Tejo in Almeirim (Portugal):
2014-08-24 - Many fish found dead in tidal basin in coastal Plymouth (Britain), second time in two weeks:
2014-08-23 - Hundreds of fish dying in Herring Run Park in coastal Baltimore (Maryland):
Quote: "Cooper, 52, who lives nearby, said a couple days before, he'd brought his nephew to the park to see the fish, which he said then were 'swimming all over the place...Now they're all dead.'"
2014-08-22 - Shark washes ashore dead at Midland Beach on Staten Island (New York):
2014-08-21 - 40-foot sei whale dies in the Elizabeth River near Virginia Beach (Virginia):
2014-08-21 - More than two dozen penguins wash ashore dead at coastal Altona Beach (Australia):
2014-08-20 - Hundreds of fish dying in lake at mobile home park in Crittenden County (Arkansas):
2014-08-19 - Huge numbers of fish washing ashore dead on the banks of the Kobuk River (Alaska):
Quote: "For the last week, from Shugnak all the way down to Kotzebue, people are reporting dead fish washed up on the banks of Northwest Alaska's Kobuk River in astonishing numbers. The fish appear to have been healthy and unspawned."
2014-08-19 - Hundreds of fish die in the Serpis River (Spain), near the coast:
2014-08-18 - Fish dying in three different retention ponds in Parrish (Florida), near the coast:
Quote: "Homeowners at the River Plantation subdivision in Parrish want to know what caused a massive fish kill in three retention ponds on Sunday. 'There were several hundred floating around out there. I mean, some good size fish too,' said homeowner Joseph Romant."
Note: A man, age 40, was found dead in a swimming pool at home in Parrish at about the same time, mentioned in the 2014-08-17 update. Hydrogen sulfide is blowing in off the Gulf of Mexico, North America's sewer, and it is water-soluble, so it is contaminating water here and there, and that's going to kill people in swimming pools, fish in ponds, etc. That's not new though - people and animals have been mysteriously dying in Florida (and other coastal communities around the world) for some time now...
2014-08-18 - Large number of fish washing ashore dead on the Isle of Man:
2014-08-18 - Minke whale found dead in the water near coastal Truro (Massachusetts), second in eight days:
2014-08-17 - Massive die-off of mussels hits the coasts of France:
Quote: "'Normally we would collect five to seven tonnes of mussels a day at this time of year,' said Hugues Morin, a 46-year-old mussel producer. 'Now we’re only getting about 100 grammes (3.5 ounces).' Mr Morin, who employs six workers, said he had collected 'almost no mussels to sell this season' after producing 750 tonnes of the shellfish last year. Mr Morin and other growers said they had never seen so few live adult mussels of a marketable size on the 'bouchots' - wooden pilings in the sea with ropes wrapped around them where the mussels grow."
2014-08-16 - Thousands of ducks suddenly die in Bandung (Indonesia):
Quote: "Many duck farmers in Bandung regency, West Java have suffered big losses after thousands of their ducks suddenly died recently from what is suspected to have been the avian influenza virus, also known as the bird flu."
Note: So they don't know what killed these ducks, but their guess is avian flu. Ducks live near water. I wouldn't be so sure this is bird flu, especially since there's no evidence that it is...
2014-08-15 - Thousands of fish dying in the Belle River near Lake St. Clair (Canada):
2014-08-15 - Thousands of fish found dead in tidal pool in coastal Plymouth (Britain):
2014-08-15 - More than 200 wetland birds found dead in Gasteiz (Spain), blamed on avian botulism:
Quote: "The number of dead birds collected in Vitoria since last Monday for a possible outbreak of avian botulism has now risen to 220 and also removed dead ducks were in a new part of the city."
Note: So they don't actually know what killed these birds and they're just assuming. Now is not a good time for such assumptions, what with all the other animals (and people) mysteriously dying all over the planet these days...
2014-08-15 - Many thousands of fish dying in lagoons in Alicante (Spain):
2014-08-15 - Large number of fish dying in lake in Cienaga (Colombia):
2014-08-15 - Thousands of fish dying in the Bakircay River (Turkey):
2014-08-15 - Hundreds of fish found dead in pond at park in Chiba Prefecture (Japan):
2014-08-14 - Fish dying in lagoon in coastal Foster City (California):
2014-08-14 - Horses dying from mystery illness in California:
2014-08-13 - Fish bubbling up dead at the UC Davis Arboretum in Davis (California):
2014-08-12 - Thousands of chickens suddenly die at farm in coastal Yuen Long (China):
Quote: "Initial tests by the department ruled out bird flu as the cause, and the results of further tests had not been released last night."
2014-08-11 - Minke whale found dead in coastal Barnstable Harbor (Massachusetts):
2014-08-11 - Hundreds of fish found dead at Lake Bavaria in Chaska (Minnesota):
2014-08-11 - Numerous fish found dead in Kinewell Lake in Northamptonshire (Britain):
2014-08-10 - Bees that died in Clackamas County (Oregon) contained no pesticide:
Quote: "The Oregon Department of Agriculture says laboratory tests found no evidence of pesticides in thousands of dead honeybees from Clackamas County."
Note: Hydrogen sulfide will kill bees just as it's killing people and animals. And unless they're looking for it, which is extremely doubtful, and unless they do the autopsies quickly, within hours of exposure, it will have reacted away and they will find nothing, as with all the dead people and animals and these bees...
2014-08-10 - More than 1000 fish suddenly die in the North River on coastal Prince Edward Island (Canada):
Quote: "This is the first fish kill on the Island this year. Water samples were taken revealing oxygen levels and quality were good and the fish appeared healthy and fed, said Rosie MacFarlane, a provincial fisheries biologist. 'You don't see it in a healthy stream at any given time, you don't see that number of dead fish.' MacFarlane said it has been at least three days since the fish died and many were starting to rot during the cleanup Sunday. 'It was a sudden event. They all died at the same time.'"
2014-08-10 - Cod declining rapidly in the Gulf of Maine (Maine):
Quote: "National Marine Fisheries Service scientists say the amount of cod spawning in the Gulf of Maine is estimated to be 3 to 4 percent of its target level. That number declined from 13 to 18 percent three years ago."
2014-08-09 - Unprecedented massive dolphin die-off continues on coasts around the United States:
2014-08-09 - Six tons of fish found dead in pond in Diepenbeek (Belgium):
2014-08-09 - Thousands of fish die in reservoir in Baisha (China):
2014-08-09 - Huge fish kill hits Lake Maninjau (Indonesia):
2014-08-08 - Hundreds of chickens suddenly drop dead in coastal Tanjung (Indonesia):
2014-08-08 - Two tiger cubs found dead near canal in Bandhavgarh National Reserve (India):
Quote: "A day after mysterious death of a tigress in Bandhavgarh National Reserve (BNP), two of its cubs were also found dead on Thursday evening. However, one of the cubs was found alive hiding behind bamboo bush. Carcasses of the two cubs, who were around three months old, were found at a distance of 50 meters from each other near Charanganga canal where tigress was found dead on Wednesday."
Note: So within 2 days, a tigress and two of her cubs died near this canal. Kinda like all the PEOPLE mysteriously dying in and near bodies of water and other low-lying areas...
2014-08-08 - Thousands of fish die in lagoon in Miajadas (Spain):
2014-08-08 - Massive fish kill, worst ever, hits Brydon Lagoon in Langley (Canada):
2014-08-08 - Huge fish kill hits Stour Brook in Suffolk (Britain):
2014-08-08 - Large number of fish die in the Motia River in West Bengal (India):
2014-08-08 - Large number of fish die in the Kishwaukee River near Huntley (Illinois):
2014-08-07 - Massive fish kill hits Veterans Memorial Lake in Great Bend (Kansas):
Quote: "The putrid stench of rotting fish hung heavy over Veterans Memorial Lake Friday morning and buzzards circled overhead. Meanwhile below, an army of Great Bend city employees, armed with nets, rubber gloves and plastic buckets picked their way along the shoreline. This marked the second day in row they'd spent scooping thousands of dead fish or all sizes out of the lake following what officials called a 'massive fish kill.' 'I've never seen anything like it,' said Park Supervisor Scott Keeler. They spent the day Thursday clearing carcasses, but, more bloated remains floated to the surface over night. 'It was like we hadn't done anything at all.'"
2014-08-07 - Scores of dead birds found along road and in nature preserve in Burnley (Britain):
Quote: "Neighbours raised the alarm after finding dead geese and seeing ducks wandering from mill pond lodges and dying in local gardens. People living near the reserve at Lowerhouse Lodges in Burnley estimate that as many as 80 birds have died in recent weeks."
2014-08-06 - More than 100 birds found dead at beach in coastal Puerto Eten (Peru):
2014-08-06 - Hundreds of fish wash ashore dead in coastal Gulf Shores (Alabama):
Note: Also see the plane that crash landed at an airport in Gulf Shores on this day...
2014-08-06 - Thousands of fish found dead in lagoon in Miajadas (Spain):
2014-08-06 - Dozens of horses sickening in Phelan (California):
2014-08-06 - Around 30 stingrays wash ashore dead at Lake Conjola (Australia), near the coast:
2014-08-05 - Thousands of fish found dead in Puerto Rico:
2014-08-05 - Two dogs die, 97 more sickened, at race track in coastal Daytona Beach (Florida):
2014-08-05 - Baleen whale washes ashore dead at beach in Agat on the island of Guam:
2014-08-03 - Hundreds of birds dying in communities in Lancaster County (Pennsylvania):
2014-08-02 - Dolphin washes ashore dead at coastal Boracay Island (Philippine Islands):
2014-08-01 - Jellyfish-like creatures washing ashore dead on coasts in California:

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