2014-10-31 - Lava approaches homes in Pahua (Hawaii), National Guard moves in:
Quote: "The slow-moving lava flow began moving toward Pahoa in June, when a volcanic crater vented and released the river of liquid rock. And it could go much longer. A USGS geologist said the lava flow could continue for 30 years."
2014-10-31 - Responders train for earthquake calamity in the Utah Valley (Utah):
2014-10-31 - Studies say Ebola screenings at airports are largely ineffective:
2014-10-31 - Israel's 'Iron Dome' gets a maritime version:
Note: Maybe the goal, or at least a goal, is to use the system to protect Israel from gas plumes blowing in off the sea. In 2012, Israeli scientists detected at least 700 gas springs on the seabed off the coast, mentioned in the 2012-11-12 update...
2014-10-31 - Suspicious people kill, cook and eat man with machete who doesn't speak local dialect in the Congo:
Quote: "A crowd stoned to death a young man in northeast Congo on Friday before burning and eating his corpse, witnesses said, in apparent revenge for a series of attacks by Ugandan rebels."
Note: On the plus side, a position as machete salesman has just opened up!
2014-10-31 - Red tide hits Iloilo Province (Philippine Islands):
2014-10-31 - Ten-inch-wide drill accidentally punctures subway tunnel in Queens (New York):
2014-10-30 - Lava field from fissure eruption in Iceland now bigger than Manhattan:
Quote: "It is hard to fully understand just how colossal the Holuhraun lava-field in Iceland has become. Covering an area of over 60 square kilometers, it is bigger than the entire land mass of Manhattan..."
2014-10-30 - Volcano Turrialba rumbles and erupts, spews ash onto four provinces in Costa Rica:
Quote: "A volcanic eruption has rained ash over parts of central Costa Rica and prompted authorities to evacuate some communities. Authorities and scientists are on alert after the overnight explosion at the Turrialba volcano. Volcanologist Gino Gonzalez said Thursday that the volcano had been rumbling and producing seismic activity since the previous evening. He said the explosion caused the side of the crater to collapse, and ashfall was recorded in four provinces. Turrialba is located about 44 miles (71 kilometers) east of the capital, San Jose."
2014-10-30 - Government orders a million HazMat suits:
Quote: "The aggregate of orders won by Lakeland that are believed to have resulted from the Ebola crisis amount to approximately 1 million suits with additional orders for other products, such as hoods, foot coverings and gloves."
Note: Say, people will need HazMat suits to contend with hydrogen sulfide too. Probably just another one of those *cough cough* coincidences...
2014-10-30 - Virus found in lakes may change peoples' brains:
Quote: "Here's the most interesting part (for most of us): Since the original study included cognitive tests, the scientists compared the data and saw that people with the virus living in their throats processed visual information about 10% slower than people without the virus — and this difference couldn't be explained by other factors like age, sex, race, socioeconomic status, education, place of birth, or smoking status."
2014-10-30 - Introducing the zombie-proof bicycle:
Quote: "The offensive capabilities are impressive due to the inclusion of an electric chainsaw ('Hello, Ash!'), a flamethrower, smoke grenades and a hatchet. Most of those weapons will eventually run out of ammo or power, but that hatchet will sure come in handy and it's mounted in an easy-grab location."
2014-10-29 - HazMat event, passengers suddenly sicken on bus near coastal Brisbane (Australia), blamed on food poisoning:
Note: Same symptoms as low-grade hydrogen sulfide poisoning. They had just eaten, in coastal Brisbane. What happens if someone cooks food with water that's been contaminated by hydrogen sulfide? This is what happens, or worse. Or maybe they got a little whiff of something outdoors while in Brisbane, or while on the road. HazMat guys showed up wearing masks too. No need for masks with food poisoning...
2014-10-29 - HazMat event, fracking well spews gases into the air, in Jefferson County (Ohio), 400 homes evacuated:
Quote: "About 400 homes in eastern Ohio were evacuated after a nearby fracking operation sprung a leak and began shooting invisible gaseous discharge into the air. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources says there was no fire, explosion or spillage related to the uncontrolled release about 6 p.m. Tuesday at a well pad in Jefferson County, about four miles south of Wintersville."
2014-10-29 - 'Yellow fever' mosquitoes found for the first time in San Diego (California):
Quote: "A kind of mosquito known to spread the deadly dengue hemorrhagic fever has been found in San Diego for the first time. Four 'yellow fever' mosquitoes - formal name, Aedes aegypti - were found in offices at the 32nd Street Naval Station."
Note: These things are baaaad. If you've never had to contend with swarms of these skeeters, trust me, you don't want to...
2014-10-29 - Man flees cops, his dog follows him, cops follow dog, man busted, in Prattville (Alabama):
Note: Cops might want to hire this dog!
2014-10-28 - Population explosion is 'unstoppable', study says:
Quote: "There is no quick fix for the 'population time-bomb' and even a world-wide one-child policy like China's or catastrophic mortality events may still result in 5-10 billion people by 2100, according to a new study."
Note: They're sorely underestimating the power of Earth's own 'everyone-dies' policy during planetary extinction events. Hopefully the last person left alive on the surface of the Earth will stumble across this article and get a chuckle before he or she flops over dead or burns to death or whatever...
2014-10-27 - HazMat event, unknown odor sickens woman and police officer, in Topsfield (Massachusetts):
Quote: "According to the Massachusetts Fire Marshal's Office, a resident called police when she began to feel sick after smelling something on the second floor of her Coventry Lane home. When Topsfield Police arrived, one of the officers reported feeling sick, as well. Both patients were transported to a hospital, saying they felt woozy and lightheaded. Investigators for the fire marshal's office are working to determine what material caused the incident. It is not believed to be carbon monoxide."
2014-10-27 - Lava flows from Kilauea move within 70 yards of first residence, in Pahoa (Hawaii):
2014-10-27 - Toxic blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) outbreak hits Drayton Reservoir in Daventry (Britain):
2014-10-26 - Man goes into cardiac arrest along the Little Gunpower River in Gunpowder Falls State Park (Maryland):
Quote: "The incident occurred along the Little Gunpowder River between Harford and Belair roads..."
Note: People still go near rivers?!
2014-10-26 - Engineers in Nigeria worried about all the recent building collapses:
2014-10-26 - Responders train for plane crash at airport in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania):
2014-10-26 - Temp hits 91 degrees on Oct 25, shatters record high, in Wichita (Kansas):
Quote: "Saturday’s high of 91 degrees obliterated a record dating back nearly 125 years, according to the National Weather Service. The previous record high for Oct. 25 was 87, set in 1891."
2014-10-26 - Higher-than-normal amounts of snow expected this winter in Wichita (Kansas):
Note: The climate is being pulled in two directions. The vast amounts of methane belching into the atmosphere are pulling temps higher, but all the volcanoes erupting are pulling temps lower, so the weather is becoming more extreme, in both directions. That's a serious problem for people who don't want to starve to death. Crops require a stable climate. If crops get hit by a couple of days where it's too hot or too cold or too wet or too dry then the whole crop can be lost, and as the climate becomes more extreme the odds that that will happen increase. The US military trained a coupla three years ago on how to quell civilian food riots, where the soldiers playing starving civilians were holding signs saying stuff like, 'Give us food now!' I'm starting to see why they might need such training. The soldiers doing the quelling were all armed, so it looks like they expect the subduing of the starving masses to at least possibly involve the use of some bullets...
2014-10-26 - Company unveils world's first zombie-proof log cabin:
Quote: "The ZFC-1 also comes with a 10-year anti-zombie guarantee as standard and can be fitted with optional extras such as water cannons, riot protection suits and flamethrowers."
Note: Log cabin so it'll burn and/or explode at some point, but hey, you can be zombie-free until then!
2014-10-25 - Uranium hexafluoride released at Honeywell Works in Metropolis (Illinois), may blow toward St. Louis (Missouri):
Quote: "It was noted to be moving west from Metropolis. Wind maps indicate that the wind is from the southeast, so the plume would be moving northwest. Cape Girardeau MO and St Louis MO, or points in between, would seem to be where it is headed. And it won’t stop there."
Note: Good, I don't want it to stop here! (Sorry, people downwind of me. Heh.) The company says none was released outside the plant, but of course it's in their interests to say that even if it isn't true. When in doubt, assume corporations are lying...
2014-10-25 - Drought causing water crisis in Sao Paulo (Brazil):
2014-10-24 - Lava from Kilauea speeds up as it nears community on the Big Island (Hawaii):
2014-10-24 - Volcano Ioyama starts rumbling on the island of Kyushu (Japan), 40 miles from a nuclear plant:
2014-10-24 - A major volcanic eruption could more or less wipe out Japan:
2014-10-23 - Woman, 42, has medical emergency on school bus just north of the Roth Bridge near St. Georges (Delaware):
Note: This bridge goes over the Chesapeake And Delaware Canal...
2014-10-23 - Lake forms, starts poisoning life near it, near Tughlaqabad Fort in Delhi (India):
2014-10-23 - Man tests positive for Ebola in New York City (New York), rode the subway and a taxi and went bowling the day prior:
Quote: "Even as the authorities worked to confirm that Mr. Spencer was infected with Ebola, it emerged that he traveled from Manhattan to Brooklyn on the subway on Wednesday night, when he went to a bowling alley, and then took a taxi home."
Note: Uh oh...
2014-10-23 - Mali gets its first Ebola case:
2014-10-22 - Earthquakes on the rise around the world, great earthquakes (8.0+) up 265% in the last decade:
Quote: "During the past decade from December 2004 to present 18 great (Mw = 8.0) earthquakes occurred globally (~1.8 per year), compared to 71 from 1900 to mid-2004 (~0.68 per year), yielding an effective rate increase of 265%. Six events had Mw = 8.5, larger than any prior event since the 1965 Rat Islands earthquake."
Note: It's not just earthquakes on the rise, but also volcanic activity, with 2013 being the record year in recorded history in terms of the number of volcanic eruptions. Both the rise in earthquakes and the rise in volcanism were predicted by MISA Theory.
The quakes we could probably shake off (heh), although when they damage nuclear plants, that's obviously a big problem. The volcanism, however, results in heat reaching the ocean floors, which releases the methane frozen in the methane clathrate deposits and expands the viable habitat for the ancient anaerobic bacteria and archaea that produce hydrogen sulfide, and the combination of massive methane and hydrogen sulfide releases results in planetary extinction events. And that's where we are today: quakes on the rise, volcanism on the rise, methane releases spreading, noxious odors of unknown origin hitting us randomly, life dying off everywhere, fires and explosions destroying civilization, the Sun appearing brighter and whiter, and mysterious 'boom sounds' shaking homes and alarming people around the world, sometimes accompanied by a 'flash of light'.
There is no magic cure for these ills. No technology can stop the forces that are now in motion. As powerful as we may think we are, we are puny compared to the power of the Earth. The surface of the planet is not going to be habitable by human beings for much longer. Considering the fact that you could be poisoned to death or incinerated at any time, including today, it could be argued that it's not particularly habitable now. We can pursue Plan B possibilities and create survivable habitats underground or underwater or off-planet (Moon, Mars, asteroids, orbit), or we can continue to do nothing and wait for our turn to be burned to death or poisoned to death or killed by indirect effects like vehicular accidents or homes collapsing or starvation.
2014-10-22 - Responders train for 10-kiloton nuclear explosion in Times Square in coastal New York City (New York):
Quote: "The city’s Office of Emergency Management ran a training exercise Wednesday that simulated a response to a 10-kiloton nuclear device exploding at 42nd Street and Seventh Avenue in Times Square, WCBS 880’s Rich Lamb reported. According to the exercise, 100,000 people were instantly killed; a wave of overpressure took down buildings for a half-mile radius and did damage for up to two miles; and a radiation cloud swept over the region."
Note: Say, that's 'coincidentally' right around the upper limit for the destructive force of a big methane cloud exploding. Right off the East Coast, a 2.5 gigaton methane clathrate deposit is now dissociating (melting). There is enough explosive power in just that one deposit to generate 250,000 of these 10-kiloton explosions if the gas were efficiently distributed and detonated (which won't happen). If the wind blows a dense cloud westward, however, then a cloud could explode in Times Square just like they trained for here. There wouldn't be any radiation from such an explosion, nor any EMP, but everything else would be the same, including the 100,000 people instantly killed. Could be that the government might set off a small fission bomb to disguise what happened though, and then there WOULD be radiation and an EMP. No major increase in the body count though. Would they go to such lengths to continue to hide the truth from the sleepy and dying masses? I don't know. Seems like a 'maybe' there.
2014-10-22 - Hydrogen sulfide causing increasing numbers of problems in at least four states:
Quote: "Neither the states nor the federal government tracks the amount of hydrogen sulfide production, but complaints and permitting related to hydrogen sulfide are growing in four states, according to documents and interviews."
Quote: "Some of the new shale fields, though, have high levels of hydrogen sulfide. Parts of the Eagle Ford field have a maximum concentration of 68,000 parts per million, 130 times the lethal level, according to Railroad Commission data. Parts of the Wolfcamp and Spraberry fields, discovered in Ector County, have levels even higher -- 80,000 to 123,000 parts per million, according to Railroad Commission records."
Note: The second link (PDF) contains a list of areas and the respective concentrations of hydrogen sulfide found in the gas/oil the last time it was checked. I don't know how comprehensive that list is but I doubt it's very comprehensive. In any case, we'd best get that gas/oil out of the ground or it's going to continue getting more 'sour' and it will eventually explode out of the ground on its own just like those recent huge Siberian methane explosion craters, but with waaaay more poison gas. In fact, I don't think we CAN get enough of it out of the ground to prevent that entirely no matter what we do or how hard we try, so ultimately towns and cities will get wiped out as pockets of methane and hydrogen sulfide spontaneously explode out of the ground and blow over populated areas.
2014-10-22 - Man, 49, goes fishing, goes missing, empty 'ghost boat' found, at Percy Priest Lake (Tennessee):
Quote: "Stafford, 49, of Antioch, entered the lake around Noon. His family last heard from him around 4 p.m. when he sent a text saying he had just caught a fish. He did not show any signs of distress his family said. Coordinates from Stafford's cell phone were used to find his bass boat. It was located around 9 p.m. but there was no sign of Stafford."
2014-10-22 - Child and another person sicken on passenger planes flying into Chicago (Illinois):
Quote: "The child was one of two patients placed in emergency medical care Tuesday after becoming ill aboard Chicago-bound flights."
2014-10-22 - Firefighting drones unveiled in Reno (Nevada):
2014-10-22 - Four unrepaired sinkhole houses for sale in Florida:
Note: LMAO, no thanks!
2014-10-21 - Kilauea wall collapses, explosion splatters lava, in Hawaii:
2014-10-21 - Two volcanoes may be in danger of erupting after 160,000 years on the Colombia/Ecuador border:
Quote: "Colombia’s Geological Service have changed the alert level of two volcanoes from yellow to orange. The two volcanoes are Cerro Negro and Chiles, both active on Colombia’s southern border to Ecuador. The orange alert level is defined by the Geological Service as 'probable eruption in term of days to weeks.'"
Quote: "Neither one of the volcanoes have erupted in the past 160,000 years."
2014-10-21 - Mount Sinabung may erupt indefinitely in Indonesia, large amount of magma present:
Quote: "Observation team member Arif Cahyo said Mt. Sinabung’s tectonic quakes showed that a large volume of magma was present, indicating that the volcano would continue to erupt for a long time. 'We cannot determine how long Mt. Sinabung will continue to erupt, but if we observe the increase in seismic activity, it will definite be a long time,' Arif told The Jakarta Post on Monday. Arif said that Mt. Sinabung was still erupting and emitting pyroclastic flows and volcanic ash sporadically. He said the volcano had emitted pyroclastic clouds twice on Sunday and three times on Monday."
2014-10-21 - Thousands of undersea volcanoes revealed by new ocean map:
Note: MISA Theory just keeps looking more and more terrifyingly accurate all the time...
2014-10-21 - Man goes out on sailboat, goes missing, empty 'ghost boat' dinghy found, near Tallahassee (Florida):
Quote: "A dingy from the sailboat was found in Keaton Beach in Taylor County Oct. 18. A Coast Guard crew was dispatched and found Taylor's sail boat, dog and his belongings on board."
2014-10-21 - Scientists make progress with tractor beams:
Quote: "Scientists have created a tractor beam that can drag objects for distances of up to 20cm - around 100 times further than in previous experiments."
2014-10-20 - Magnitude 6.0 earthquake strikes near San Gabriel (Ecuador):
2014-10-20 - Mysterious underwater vessel spotted near Stockholm (Sweden), possibly Russian and in distress:
Quote: "Swedish Royal Navy vessels searched for an underwater intruder in the island-studded waters east of Stockholm on Monday after three sightings of a suspicious vessel and media reports of a Russian-language distress signal four days ago."
2014-10-20 - Parrot disappears, returns after 4 years speaking Spanish, asks for someone named Larry, in Torrance (California):
2014-10-19 - HazMat event, unknown chemical odor hits Ontario International Airport in Ontario (California):
Note: A lot of these unknown odors sickening people these days. The day prior 28 people sickened and vomited and some experienced 'excited delirium' at a turkey plant in Willmar (Minnesota), mentioned in the 2014-10-18 update. No cause was found. There was also a HazMat incident the same day at an airport in Minneapolis (Minnesota), also mentioned in the 2014-10-18 update. No cause was found...
2014-10-19 - Toxic blue green algae (cyanobacteria) outbreak hits the Lower Darling River near Tapio (Australia):
2014-10-18 - HazMat event, 28 people sicken and vomit, 'flu-like' symptoms, at turkey plant in Willmar (Minnesota), no cause found:
Quote: "Employees had called first responders at 7:16 p.m. on a report of a woman who was unresponsive at times at the plant at 1535 30th St. SW., Hendrickson said. Within moments came another call of a second employee vomiting in a bathroom, and soon more were becoming ill with vomiting and coughing. Some patients were in kind of 'an excited delirium,' according to police scanner transmissions."
Note: They tested for ammonia, carbon monoxide, found nothing, and found no leaks of any chemicals at the plant. They didn't test for hydrogen sulfide. 'Excited delirium' has also been mentioned in a number of the cases involving people stripping naked and going crazy. Hydrogen sulfide is neurotoxic and affects the brain, though it is a broad-spectrum poison and affects all parts of the body. This pretty much had to be hydrogen sulfide and it probably got sucked in via the building's ventilation system, just like the noxious cloud that came from outdoors that hit the Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis (Missouri), near the Mississippi River, mentioned in the 2014-04-11 update...
2014-10-18 - HazMat event, seven TSA agents sickened by fumes at airport in Minneapolis (Minnesota), no cause found:
Note: Luggage probably got contaminated. The same thing is happening to peoples' clothes, causing them to burn to death here and there, and that problem will worsen as time goes on...
2014-10-18 - Pneumonic plague kills man, second in a month, in Gansu Province (China):
2014-10-17 - Two men enter manhole and lose consciousness, in Grants (New Mexico):
Note: They're lucky to be alive. Doesn't sound like one of them is doing too well though...
2014-10-17 - Woman sickens and vomits on tour bus in Arlington County (Virginia), near the coast:
2014-10-17 - Woman sickens and vomits at airport in Charlotte (North Carolina):
2014-10-16 - Bardarbunga still erupting, now biggest continuous volcanic eruption in centuries in Iceland:
Quote: "The eruption has produced a lava field that is growing about 0.6 square miles per day, and which now covers an area roughly the size of Manhattan. The average thickness of the lava is about 45 feet—enough to reach the windows on a four-story building—although these geologic estimates are uncertain since the thickness can only be measured over a small area, Stevenson said. The molten rock is 'spraying out of the ground as high as the Statue of Liberty is tall,' and covering the equivalent of a soccer pitch every eight minutes, Stevenson said."
2014-10-16 - Toxic blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) outbreak hits Te Wairewa/Lake Forsyth (New Zealand):
2014-10-16 - Lockheed Martin may be on verge of nuclear fusion breakthrough, room-sized, 100 megawatts of power:
Quote: "It’s safe, it’s clean, and Lockheed is promising an operational unit by 2017 with assembly line production to follow, enabling everything from unlimited fresh water to engines that take spacecraft to Mars in one month instead of six..."
Note: Mars sounds good...
2014-10-16 - Large panther-sized cat spooking residents in Henry County (Georgia):
2014-10-16 - Yellow jacket wasp invasion closes library indefinitely in coastal Norfolk (Virginia):
2014-10-16 - Self-heating 'Heater Meals' can provide hot food in case of utility outage:
Note: About five bucks each, which isn't terribly expensive. MREs cost the same but don't have any self-heating capability. Haven't heard any stories of people exploding while making them or anything either, which is a plus. Heh...
2014-10-15 - Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes near Dehloran (Iran), 16 injured:
2014-10-15 - Volcano Mayon showing signs of activity in the Philippine Islands:
2014-10-15 - New high-tech sight glasses (e.g. windows) available for hydrogen sulfide environments:
Quote: "The H2S sight glasses are constructed from most corrosion resistant materials practically available, without the use of exotic diamond-amorphous coating techniques. The housing is made from commercially available C-276 Hastelloy, industry standard for corrosion-proof process components, C-Axis Sapphire window, and internal all metal C-seal made from INCONEL® Alloy 718. The seal is heat treated by Solution and Precipitation (NACE) method for sour gas H2S service. The advantage of these Encole sight glasses is the excellent optical clarity not available in fused type sight glasses. Encole sight glasses allow non-distorted viewing of the process behind the window, while retaining the high-pressure and high temperature performance and corrosion resistance."
Note: Okay, so apparently what we need are homes built with diamond-amorphous coating techniques, but if that's not affordable then commercially available C-276 Hastelloy will do, and we can use these sight glasses for windows so we can look outside. And obviously we'll be wanting a lot of those all metal C-seals made from INCONEL® Alloy 718. Can't overlook that!
2014-10-14 - Volcano Poás erupts, spews mud and steam, in Costa Rica:
2014-10-14 - Scientists at the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota say Ebola is airborne:
Note: Makes sense. Most viruses are airborne and many of the Ebola infections could only have occurred if it's airborne, so I tend to believe these folks...
2014-10-14 - Ebola death rate tops 70%:
Note: Combine that death rate with the long three-week incubation period and this is really starting to look like a potential doomsday virus, one that is spreading out of control. It's not quite as deadly as the fictional Captain Trips from The Stand, but it's not so far from it either. Is this Ebola outbreak a worse problem than the atmosphere being contaminated by hydrogen sulfide and methane? No, because the atmospheric contamination problem will last for thousands of years (or more) and that will kill pretty much everything, not just a few species. But in the short term, for human beings in particular, Ebola could end up seriously killing the crap out of us. Of course, they're not mutually incompatible problems and we have both...
2014-10-14 - United States wants dedicated Ebola hospitals in each state:
2014-10-14 - Epic plague of rabbits hits the Lockyer Valley (Australia), disrupts agriculture:
Quote: "Lockyer Valley is on the brink of a rabbit plague of epic proportions and stakeholders in the region are set to tackle the issue head on before it escalates. Lockyer Valley Mayor Steve Jones said the rabbit numbers in the area had reached such high levels that they were having a detrimental impact on the agricultural industry."
Note: Well, if I want to move away from my OWN epic plague of rabbits, I now know where NOT to go!
2014-10-14 - Yellow fever mosquitos found in the Los Angeles area (California):
Quote: "Yellow fever mosquitoes - which can transmit dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever itself - have been found in the Los Angeles region, officials announced Wednesday. These mosquitoes can spread the three deadly tropical viruses to humans through their bites. They were found Oct. 7 and 8 in Commerce and Pico Rivera, respectively, according to the Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District (GLACVCD) and San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District (SGVMVCD)."
2014-10-14 - Girl, 4, falls eight stories off apartment building in coastal Broadbeach (Australia), 1 injured:
Note: Possible toppler, especially considering the coastal location, or could be an accident. Mainly just mentioning it because the fact that she survived a fall of EIGHT STORIES is just incredible. Her parents probably went and hugged the shrubbery she landed on...
2014-10-13 - Magnitude 7.3+ earthquake strikes off the coast of Nicaragua, 1 killed, tsunami warning issued:
2014-10-13 - Five passenger sicken with flu-like symptoms on passenger plane landing in coastal Boston (Massachusetts):
Note: Ebola freak-out ensues, but not Ebola. Hydrogen sulfide can cause flu-like symptoms in light doses. People have been mysteriously sickening with flu-like symptoms like this for a while now, pre-dating the Ebola outbreak. As many as 60 children sickened on a passenger plane flying from coastal Cape Town (South Africa) to coastal London (Britain), in May, mentioned in the 2014-05-05 update. That was before the two small plane pilots lost consciousness (or died) while flying and their planes crashed into oceans, and that was before the Ebola outbreak. There have been many such mysterious mass sickening incidents around the world in the last two years or so, not all on planes, but a fair number of them have involved plane passengers or ship passengers. Now, of course, everyone's wanting to blame Ebola, ignoring the fact that these events were happening long before the Ebola outbreak...
2014-10-13 - Mysterious U.S. Air Force X-37B unmanned space plane due to return after classified 2-year mission:
2014-10-12 - Passenger sickens and vomits on passenger plane flying from coastal New York City to coastal Los Angeles (California):
2014-10-12 - Firefighter collapses while fighting fire at vacant home in coastal Norfolk (Virginia):
2014-10-11 - Children sicken at high school in Lakeland (Florida):
2014-10-10 - Woman and child sicken and vomit on passenger plane flying from coastal New York City (New York):
2014-10-10 - Ebola spread 'bigger than expected', says the WHO, and now entrenched in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea:
Quote: "Ebola is now entrenched in the capitals of the worst-affected states - Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, WHO says. The outbreak has killed more than 3,860 people, mainly in West Africa. More than 200 health workers are among the victims."
2014-10-10 - Second person tests positive for Ebola in the United States, in Texas:
Quote: "'We knew a second case could be a reality, and we've been preparing for this possibility,' said Dr. David Lakey, commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services."
Note: Fast-forward three years. 'We knew that this virus killing 60%-80% of the population could be a reality, and we've been preparing for this possibility,' said Captain Trips, spokesman for Major C. A. Davers of the Unified Martial Law Operational Task Force...
2014-10-10 - Mysterious metal object falls out of the sky and almost hits workers in Secaucus (New Jersey):
2014-10-09 - Magnitude 7.2 earthquake strikes in the ocean near the Southern Pacific Rise:
2014-10-09 - Man sickens and vomits on passenger plane flying from Chicago (Illinois) to Birmingham (Alabama):
2014-10-09 - Man makes Ebola joke on passenger plane, HazMat crew boards, plane locked down, man kicked off, in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania):
Note: Bad time for jokes like that! I did a plane prank on my roommate back in the 1980s, before things were all tense. He was flying from Arizona to go home on leave in Florida. I found a real-size image of a pistol in a gun magazine then cut out an aluminum foil silhouette of the pistol and slipped it inside one of his books. They x-rayed his stuff at the airport and...'Gun! Gun! Swarm!' They took him down hard. He punched me in the face when he got back from leave but since I deserved it, I just nursed my bruised face and we remained friends, and even he admitted that in retrospect it was pretty funny. I would never do such a thing these days though. The times are waaaay different now!
2014-10-09 - Radiation from Chernobyl permeating the environment in Norway:
Quote: "A report published by the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority in late September suggests that recently-tested reindeer in central Norway had radioactivity levels of 8,500 becquerel of Cesium-137 per kilo. In 2012, reindeer in the area had radioactivity levels of 1,500 becquerel. Sheep from two different parts of Norway recorded high levels of radioactivity as well, showing readings as high as 4,500 becquerel. The safe limit for radioactivity in animals for human consumption is 600 becquerel per kilo."
2014-10-08 - 'Gas-type smell' hits school in coastal Yonkers (New York), 149 students sent to the hospital:
Quote: "More than 100 students complaining of eye irritation and shortness of breath were taken to a hospital after a 'gas-type smell' in the cafeteria forced the evacuation of a school in Yonkers Wednesday..."
Note: 'Gas-type' smell means 'rotten egg' odor, so this was probably hydrogen sulfide blowing through the area or possibly seeping up through the sewer system. What will they say when it's 149 dead students? I guess we'll see...
2014-10-08 - Woman originating from coastal Istanbul (Turkey) sickens and vomits on passenger plane en route to Midland (Texas):
2014-10-08 - How to look like a zombie in 10 easy steps:
2014-10-07 - Pungent stink rolls through coastal Southampton (Britain):
2014-10-07 - Toxic blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) outbreak at Utah Lake (Utah) kills dog, people warned away:
Quote: "Despite the warning, on Tuesday evening ABC4 News saw several people fishing and a dog playing in the water near the shore where the algae blooms are thickest."
2014-10-07 - Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes in the Gulf of California:
2014-10-07 - Shallow magnitude 6.0 earthquake strikes in Yunnan Province (China), 1 killed, thousands flee buildings:
2014-10-07 - Lava from Kilauea eruption continues advancing, ignites brush fire, near Pahoa (Hawaii):
2014-10-07 - NASA to test wildfire-detecting drone over the Great Dismal Swamp on the East Coast (United States):
2014-10-06 - Medical emergency on passenger plane, plane diverts to Munich (Germany):
Quote: "Thomson Airways can confirm that flight TOM698 travelling from Leeds Bradford to Dalaman, Turkey has diverted into Munich airport due to a medical emergency on board."
Note: A man sickened and vomited in a passenger plane flying into coastal Newark (New Jersey), and in a separate incident a 58-year-old man lost consciousness and stroked out on a passenger plane leaving coastal Shanghai (China), both events mentioned in the 2014-10-04 update. A 46-year-old man stopped breathing and died on a passenger plane going from Las Vegas (Nevada) to Milwaukee (Wisconsin), mentioned in the 2014-10-05 update. Sure are a lot of people sickening and/or dying on planes lately. Sure are a lot of planes coming down smoking or burning too. They might wanna keep a supply of body bags on each plane as things get worse...
2014-10-06 - Man, 57, former Navy SEAL, goes out on boat, goes missing, near coastal Atlantic Beach (Florida):
2014-10-06 - Spanish nurse contracts Ebola in Madrid (Spain), first transmission outside of Africa:
Quote: "In the first known transmission of the outbreak of Ebola outside West Africa, a Spanish nurse who treated a missionary for the disease at a Madrid hospital has tested positive for the virus..."
2014-10-06 - CDC setting up quarantine stations at 20 airports across the United States:
Note: More ominous stuff happening...
2014-10-06 - Invasive fire ants spreading across the island of Maui (Hawaii), 20-acre colony found:
Quote: "It’s estimated the infested area covers at least 20 acres along Hana Highway, which is much larger than recent infestations found on Oahu."
2014-10-06 - Swarm of bees lands on passenger plane, flight delayed, at airport in Charlotte (North Carolina):
Note: 'Enough is ENOUGH! Get these motherf#cking BEES off my motherf#cking PLANE!'
2014-10-05 - Man, 47, goes out on fishing boat, disappears, empty 'ghost boat' washes ashore, engine idling, in coastal Jacksonville (Florida):
Quote: "U.S. Coast Guard crews searched the Atlantic Ocean into Sunday night for a missing Atlantic Beach man whose empty fishing boat with its engines idling washed ashore at Hanna Park."
2014-10-05 - US Navy debuts unmanned patrol boats:
Note: Eliminate the human component right up front, because humans are likely to go missing and turn manned boats into empty 'ghost boats'. It's way easier to harden machinery against hydrogen sulfide than it is to protect human beings from it...
2014-10-05 - Mount Sinabung erupts, spews ash two miles into the air, in North Sumatra (Indonesia):
2014-10-05 - Manganese helps keep hydrogen sulfide zones in check in aquatic systems:
Quote: "The scientists found that a chemical form of dissolved manganese--Mn(III)--can compose in the water or be mobilized from sediments originating from the continental slope and other sources. It can maintain the existence of the suboxic zone by reacting as a reductant with oxygen and as an oxidant with hydrogen sulfide, preventing the deadly hydrogen sulfide from reaching the surface layer of water, where most fish, algae and microscopic plants live."
Note: From 2006 but relevant. I wonder if we're out there in the oceans, seas and lakes spraying manganese into the water to try to help, if that would help. And if nobody has considered this, start considering! Desperate times, desperate measures...
2014-10-04 - At least 50 students sicken, unknown cause, at two different schools in coastal Charlotte County (Florida):
2014-10-04 - Man sickens and vomits on passenger plane flying into coastal Newark (New Jersey), not Ebola:
2014-10-04 - Man, 58, loses consciousness and strokes out on passenger plane leaving coastal Shanghai (China):
2014-10-04 - Plague kills 45-year-old man in Gansu Province (China), second plague death this year:
2014-10-04 - Eleven gallons of live concentrated polio virus accidentally released into rivers in Belgium:
2014-10-04 - Two young women strip naked on train in coastal Shanghai (China), probable promotional stunt:
Note: Promotional stunts like this never happen when I'm around!
2014-10-03 - 'Noxious gas' closes Sirius Cove Road on the lower north shore in coastal Sydney (Australia):
Note: Toxic gas of unknown origin sent thousands of people puking and fleeing from their homes in coastal Rayong (Thailand) in June, mentioned in the 2014-06-08 update. Noxious gas sickened dozens and knocked some people unconscious on the island of Jamaica in 2013, mentioned in the 2013-02-28 update. California has had a number of 'odor events', Pennsylvania has had one, and so has St. Louis (Missouri), Meriden (Connecticut), Quincy (Massachusetts), Baltimore (Maryland), and more...
2014-10-03 - F-18 fighters fly low over coastal Quincy (Massachusetts), residents freak out:
Quote: "Antonuccio said the aircraft passed over her neighborhood shortly after 2 p.m. Friday. She said about seven of her neighbors came out of their homes to see where the noise came from. She said it sounded like something was about to crash into Wollaston Beach. 'We’re still a little shaken,” she said. “All the years I’ve been here, nothing has ever happened like that.'"
Note: A 'rotten egg' odor blew in off the ocean and hit Quincy last year, mentioned in the 2013-05-09 update. Shortly after that, a mysterious plane started buzzing the city at night, mentioned in the 2013-05-10 update. A city councilman there contacted the FAA and asked if he could tell his constituents that the plane was related to law enforcement and the FAA person said no. So the city councilman then asked if he could at LEAST tell his constituents that the plane posed no DANGER to them...and the FAA person said no!
2014-10-02 - Goat born with 'human' head in Argentina:
Note: Not the first time a creature has been born with the head of another species. This was quite possibly a genetic chimera, a blending of two species. As increasing amounts of UV bake the planet, we'll see more chimeras, more albinos, more polycephalic creatures (two heads), along with more standard problems like the UV-poisoning lesions that began hitting dolphins and whales in 2009...
2014-10-02 - Mayon Volcano shows possible signs of imminent eruption in the Philippine Islands:
2014-10-02 - Hordes of jellyfish swarming beaches near Hua-Hin (Thailand):
2014-10-01 - Worst drought in 50 years hits Guanacaste Province (Costa Rica):
2014-10-01 - Rare albino hummingbird spotted at the Beachmere Inn in coastal Ogunquit (Maine):
2014-10-01 - New type of brain cell discovered:
2014-10-01 - Dog named Einstein running for mayor of Oakland (California):

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