2014-09-29 - Couple, 47 and 34, found dead in home in Sallisaw (Oklahoma):
Note: Two men, both 52, dropped dead in separate but adjacent homes in Oklahoma City (Oklahoma) last year, mentioned in the 2013-03-15 update. There've been numerous similar double-fatalities (or more) since then...
2014-09-27 - Family of five - ages 37, 36, 14, 12 and 11 - found dead in home in Springville (Utah):
Quote: "There was no evidence of stabbing or gunshot wounds or other visible injuries to the five found dead Saturday night in their home in Springville, about 45 miles south of Salt Lake City, investigators said."
Note: No carbon monoxide detected. Springville is located on the eastern (downwind) shore of Provo Bay...
2014-09-24 - Two people found dead as noxious 'rotten egg' odor hits coastal Mountain View (California), HazMat called:
Quote: "Four Mountain View police officers investigating the possible hazardous materials incident at 2025 California St. were sickened by a strong, noxious odor, said Shino Tanaka, spokeswoman for the police department. Residents of one adjacent building, at 2017 California St., were evacuated, due to the direction the wind was carrying the fumes, and residents of another nearby building at 2035 California St. were advised to shelter in place until the fumes dissipated, Tanaka said. 'It smells like a rotten egg,' Mountain View fire spokesman Lynn Brown said."
Quote: "Police could not immediately release any details about the two victims who were found by a hazardous materials team searching a building that was evacuated following a call at 6:09 p.m. on Sept. 24 reporting a noxious smell."
Quote: "She said a hazmat team found evidence of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide inside the 'target' apartment. The smell was so bad, she said, that four officers who first responded Wednesday night were treated at the scene for odor-related medical reactions."
Note: Coastal Santa Monica (California) experienced a similar event in 2013 when a 'naturally occurring methane release' occurred in Santa Monica Bay and people called in to report a bad smell, mentioned in the 2013-03-03 update. The smell wasn't methane, since methane is odorless. The smell was hydrogen sulfide and the 'naturally occurring event' was the chemocline abruptly rising to the surface and releasing methane and hydrogen sulfide that had accumulated at the bottom of the bay into the atmosphere. A similar event occurred in the Inner Harbor in coastal Baltimore (Maryland) too, in 2013, when the Inner Harbor suddenly turned milky green-white, all the fish died, and a 'rotten egg' odor was in the air, mentioned in the 2013-07-18 update. And after that, they started finding an anomalous number of people floating dead in the Inner Harbor, which was no coincidence.
Another similar event occurred on the island of Jamaica in 2013. 'Noxious fumes' hit some people on the street, sickening dozens and knocking some unconscious, mentioned in the 2013-02-28 update. And in June this year, THOUSANDS of people fled puking from 'toxic gas of unknown origin' in coastal Rayong (Thailand), mentioned in the 2014-06-08 update.
'Rotten egg' odor, corpses found, on or near the coast or near a body of water, generally gonna be hydrogen sulfide involved...
2014-09-24 - Two workers gassed to death in manhole in Nagavara (India):
Note: No way was that carbon monoxide. That was hydrogen sulfide. It hit them hard and fast, virtually instantly, which is the sign of a 'knockdown agent'. I warned some time ago that manhole workers would be getting gassed to death and it's been happening with increasing regularity. Hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas so it will tend to accumulate in the lowest-lying areas it can reach and in many cases that will be manhole tunnels of any kind...
2014-09-21 - Father and son die after SUV plunges into the Delaware Raritan Canal at 2:55 AM in Franklin Township (New Jersey):
Quote: "The accident occurred on Weston Canal Road, which runs alongside the Delaware Raritan Canal..."
2014-09-19 - Man and woman, mid-20s, go missing, next seen dead on the Black Sea coast (Bulgaria):
2014-09-18 - Couple, 52 and 54, call 911, chest pains, next seen dead in their home in Denver (Colorado):
Quote: "Denver Fire Captain Greg Pixley said the 2:30 p.m. 911 call initially came in as a report of someone having a heart attack at the Lobatos' home. But when firefighters arrived they found not one, but two patients, he added. Finding the man and woman were dead, firefighters tested the home's air but detected no harmful carbon monoxide levels.."
Note: Not carbon monoxide. Soooo...just a coincidence that two people in the same house dropped dead at the same time? Or did something common to both of them - something in the environment - kill them? Hydrogen sulfide can stop hearts, disrupt breathing, damage brains, lungs, kidneys, all kinds of stuff. Could be some gas blew through in the wee hours and adsorbed onto stuff and both of these people then touched something that the gas had contaminated, or maybe their AC pumped in a few breaths of gas from outdoors, or perhaps their water supply is contaminated. Kinda like when Whitney Houston dropped dead in her bathtub and then the very next day her daughter lost consciousness in that same bathtub - same water supply...
2014-09-15 - Mother and son, 71 and 47, found dead in home in Lincoln County (Mississippi):
2014-09-13 - Couple, 85 and 86, found dead in pickup in gully near their home in West Chester Township (Ohio):
2014-09-13 - Couple, 30 and 26, drop dead inside sperm donor room at clinic in Jhenaidah District (Bangladesh):
Quote: "They were sent to a room to collect a sperm sample, she said. 'But after there was no response from inside even after two hours, hospital staff member Kolimuddin broke open the door,' she added. Pakhi claimed that Kolimuddin found the couple dead inside the room."
2014-09-12 - Couple, 60 and 56, found dead at home in Round Valley (Canada):
2014-09-09 - Man and woman found dead in motel room in coastal Biddeford (Maine):
2014-09-08 - Three men, early 20s, found dead in swimming pool at 2:25 AM in Harare (Zimbabwe):
2014-09-04 - Man and girl, 58 and 13, found dead in van in coastal Cavite (Philippine Islands):
2014-09-03 - Couple found dead at home, one in swimming pool and one inside, in Dallas (Texas):
Note: Their son was found dead in the bathtub in January too...

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